Amateur Radio Newsline report number 1831 with a release
date of September 14 2012 to follow in 5-4-3-2-1.
The following is a Q-S-T. Two illegal operations in Canada
are evicted from 2 meters; the Radio Society of Great
Britain takes on Region One of the International Amateur
Radio Union over the endorsement of a more liberal B-P-L
standard; the FAA to begin a new study of the use of
broadband devices on aircraft in flight and a safety warning
about those tiny button batteries. Find out the details are
on Amateur Radio NewslineT report number 1831 coming your
way right now.
(Billboard Cart Here)
Radio Amateurs of Canada has announced that two cases of
frequency incursion to the 2 meter band by business users
have been resolved. Amateur Radio Newsline's Aaren Jensen,
VA7AEJ, reports:
In the first incident, a transportation company based in
Reinfeld, Manitoba was observed to be operating illegally on
144.100 Mhz. The company in question had purchased VHF
radios from a US based supplier who failed to indicate
correct licensing procedures.
Once contacted by Radio Amateurs of Canada the company
agreed to immediately cease operating in the two meter band
and shifted its operation to a business band frequency.
Industry Canada was notified of the incursion and continues
to work with the company to secure a licensed channel. In
addition to illegally transmitting inside the amateur radio
two meter band, this operation posed a threat to low signal
operations across a wide portion of North America
In the second matter, a home moving company was observed to
be operating on 144.940 Mhz. The company in question is
based in Winkler, Manitoba, but the operation was observed
in Alberta during the moving of a house.
In this case, the company had already been licensed to
specific frequencies with Industry Canada. However it had
requested 144.940 Mhz as a channel. Their request was
denied and a business band channels were issued. However,
the company failed to check tits license paperwork and
assumed it had been approved for their requested frequency.
As in the first case, the moving company was also contacted
by Radio Amateurs of Canada and agreed to move their
operations to their correctly licensed frequencies. Given
their wide geographic operations Industry Canada had
licensed their operation on four separate frequencies
including 140.730, 154.325, 158.940 and 151.730 MHz.
In both cases, it appears that frequencies in the two meter
band were chosen by these businesses because their new vhf
radios defaulted to that frequency range. This is
definitely an indicator that the actual radio gear being
used is likely to be modified amateur radio transceivers.
For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Aaren Jensen, VA7AEJ, in
Lumby, British Columbia Canada.
The use of equipment intended for amateur radio operation
outside of the amateur bands or by persons who do not hold
an Canadian Amateur Radio Certificate is illegal. What
punitive action Industry Canada might impose on the two
companies for their incursion into the 2 meter band is at
this time unknown. (RAC, VE4WO)
The Radio Society of Great Britain has formally asked the
International Amateur Radio Union Region 1 Electromagnetic
Compatibility Working Group to reconsider its policy on the
draft European Broadband over Powerline or PLT standard.
One that the RSGB claims to threaten a 38 dB increase in R-F
pollution over much of the short wave radio spectrum
The request from the RSGB came in an August 28th letter to
C.M. Verholt, who is the Chairman of the IARU Region 1 EMC
Working Group from the RSGB's Don Beattie G3BJ. In it,
Beattie says that there is no way that the emissions from
devices meeting this new standard can satisfy the essential
requirements of the EMC Directive outside the notched
frequencies. As such, G3BJ says that the IARU Region 1 EMC
Working Group is in effect condoning overriding the
essential requirements of the Electromagnetic Compatibility
Directive by backing the standard. He says that this action
of the Commission is clearly contrary to the law of the
European Union and therefore open to judicial review.
Beattie goes on to say that the new emission levels, if
sanctioned, will inevitably become the baseline for future
standards. In this context he notes that that there are
already some new drafts that are circulating which reference
the more liberal proposed emission levels.
Beattie ends his letter by saying that the RSGB hopes that
common sense will prevail and that IARU Region 1 will amend
its position on this matter. The IARU Region 1 EMC Working
Group had previously added its support to the new Pan-
European Electromagnetic Compatibility standard that the
RSGB so vigorously opposes. (GB2RS)
The FCC has sent out a notice to the manufacturers,
importers, distributes and users of Private Land Mobile two-
way radio that the deadline to switch to 12.5 Khz narrow
band transmission is January 1, 2013. This is for two way
radio gear that operates in the 150 to 174 MHz and 421 to
470 MHz frequency bands, not including the 2 meter or 70
centimeter Amateur Service spectrum from 144 to 148 MHz or
430 to 450 MHz. Amateur Radio Newsline's Jim Davis, W2JKD,
According to the FCC the reason for this mandated change is
to promote the efficient use of private land mobile radio
spectrum and to facilitate the introduction of advanced
technologies. In other words, this government edict is not
only applicable to analog FM based communications but to
current and all future digital modes as well.
The FCC also notes that Private Land Mobile Radio licensees
are not required, at this time, to modify their licenses to
remove wideband emission designators. However, the presence
of a wideband emission designator on a license does not
authorize operation after January 1, 2013 that does not
comply with the new narrowbanding standards.
The FCC release also reminds manufacturers, subject to the
limited exceptions, that they must cease manufacturing and
importing equipment that is capable of 25 kHz mode operation
in the VHF and UHF bands by the narrowbanding transition
I'm Jim Davis, W2JKD.
While the Amateur Service is exempt from the new
narrowbanding mandate, do not be to surprised if future
generations of off the shelf VHF and UHF ham gear is built
to conform to this new commercial radio standard.
Especially if a manufacturers primary business is in
supplying Private Land Mobile Service radio gear with ham
gear as a secondary product line. Its simply less expensive
for them to do it that way. (FCC)
In a similar move, New Zealand's telecommunications
regulator has issued an edict to all manufacturers and
importers of UHF CB radio equipment with 25 kHz channel
spacing. It notes that in accordance with the nations
General User Radio License for citizen band operation,
equipment that does not comply with a new narrowbanding
specification cannot be sold in that nation if it is
manufactured or imported after December 1st. Only current
stock of 25 kHz radios on hand and merchandise in the
domestic New Zealand distribution pipeline can be sold after
that date. (NZART)
According to top FCC officials, FCC Chairman Julius
Genachowski will soon circulate the FCC's long-awaited
framework for reclaiming and re-auctioning broadcast
spectrum for wireless use, and repacking remaining stations.
This, with the target of having a report and order voted by
mid-2013 and the auctions completed by the end of 2014.
The document is described as a comprehensive treatment
rather than the first of a series of items. As such it's
expected to contain many detailed proposals that the FCC
will then seek comment on and adjust as needed. The FCC is
trying to move far enough down the road with this initial
proposal to make that auction goal of 2014 a realistic one.
While ham radio is not directly involved in this frequency
shuffle, there is always the chance that some bands like 222
to 225 MHz and 50 to 54 MHz could be impacted. This is
because 222 to 225 MHz lies between what is known as the
spectrum between the VHF low and VHF high band TV channels.
50 to 54 MHz that we call 6 meters is actually VHF low band
TV channel 1. If the sell-off of the coveted UHF broadcast
spectrum results in a lot of TV stations returning to the
VHF bands then both these spectral parcels could come under
some future reallocation scrutiny. We are not saying that
it will happen that way, but ham radio has to keep a careful
watch on how it might be affected in the years to come.
(Published reports)
From the United States of America, We are the Amateur Radio
Newsline, heard on bulletin stations around the world
including the W8RLC repeater serving Lowell, Michigan.
(5 sec pause here)
It's going to be a while before airline passengers can use
their wireless electronic devices during an entire flight.
Amateur Radio Newsline's Stephen Robertson, KB3HGM, is near
the nations capital with the details:
On Monday, August 27th the Federal Aviation Administration
said that it is starting a process to study the issue, with
a timeline that means it will take at least until March 2013
for a recommendation and likely longer for action.
Smartphones, laptops and tablet computers are common in the
passenger cabin, and some pilots are using these devices in
flight. But passengers have to shut off electronic devices
when the plane is below 10,000 feet because of worries that
they might interfere with electronics in the cockpit. And
anything that has a broadband connection that cannot be
disabled must be kept off for the entire flight.
Now, in its recent statement, the FAA says that it will form
a committee to study the issue for six months and then make
recommendations. The group will include representatives of
the mobile technology companies, aircraft manufacturers,
airlines, pilots, flight attendants, and even
representatives of passenger associations. The agency will
also ask for public input. The FAA often uses such aviation
rulemaking committees when it is considering regulatory
changes and their discussions often last months and
sometimes even years.
It should be noted that the FAA doesn't actually ban the
devices. However its rules state that airlines can only
allow devices that have been tested and proven not to
interfere with a given make and model aircraft's
electronics. With thousands of devices on the market and
new ones coming out each day, airlines simply ban them all
during takeoff and landing. And it looks as if that's the
way it will continue for some time to come.
For the Amateur Radio Newsline, Im Stephen Robertson,
KB3HGM, in Silver Spring, Maryland.
As to ever getting permission for hams to use radio gear
like handie talkies on a commercial airline flight? There
is no consideration being given to ever permit any hobby
radio electronics to be used. The FAA says that allowing
cellphone use during flights isn't under consideration
either. (FAA, RW, other published reports)
Fender Musical Instruments Corporation and the FCC's
Enforcement Bureau have come to an agreement regarding how
the company marketed digital RF devices and how it will do
so in the future.
The case which began in June of 2010, involves how the
company marketed bass amplifiers, preamplifiers, tuners,
wireless microphones and audio mixers. Imported digital RF
devices are subject to the agency's equipment verification
or declaration of conformity procedures.
As part of the agreement, Fender Musical Instruments
Corporation will designate a compliance officer within 30
days and set up a plan within 60 days to ensure the company
complies with the FCC's equipment marketing rules. The
company has also agreed to develop and implement an online
compliance training program for all if its overseas Original
Equipment Manufacturers that build some of its equipment.
The company is to report to the commission within 15 days
any discoveries of noncompliance and submit regular
equipment compliance reports to the agency.
Based on a consent decree, Fender will make a voluntary
payment of $265,000 to the U.S. Treasury and admits no
guilt. In turn, the commission will end its investigation.
The first installment of its U.S. Treasury payment of
$132,500 is due within 30 days of the signing of the Consent
Decree. (FCC, RW)
Not lighting a broadcast tower for more than a decade will
likely cost Renacer Broadcasters Corporation a hefty $20,000
fine from the FCC.
Renacer owns the antenna structure located in Maricao,
Puerto Rico. Responding to a complaint, an FCC Enforcement
Bureau agent inspected the tower and found the structure had
never been painted and had no lights installed. Because the
tower had been that way for more than 10 years, the
commission found the violation to be egregious and doubled
the proposed penalty to $20,000.
Renacer was given the customary 30 days to submit a sworn
statement certifying that the tower is now in full
compliance with FCC rules and also to pay the penalty or
file an appeal. (FCC)
The FCC has affirmed a $4000 Notice of Apparent Liability
against Good Karma Broadcasting. This, for airing contest
information without fully disclosing the terms.
The case concerns WKRN AM in Cleveland. The FCC received a
complaint alleging that from November 2007 to September
2009, the station conducted what the complainant called a
"bogus" contest called "Who Said That?" In it, those
calling into the station were required to accurately
identify who actually voiced a clip that was played on-air.
In 2009, the FCC wrote to WKRN asking about the contest.
The agency said that in its reply WKRN admitted the bit
aired regularly from early 2007 until the summer of 2008,
and then sporadically thereafter. Once someone guessed the
voice a new clip would air.
The station admitted that for more than 20 months, no one
guessed the voice behind the clip. Also that the station
was not announcing all the prizes, but rather focusing on
the new prize. Also that it eventually stopped announcing
them unless a listener called in and tried to guess the
voice behind the last clip.
Good Karma also said that by September 2009, some of the
original prizes were no longer available. It claimed that
if a listener correctly identified the voice in a clip, the
station would have offered a similar prize package to the
one that was originally announced. As such, Good Karma
disputed that it violated the contest rules, arguing that
"Who Said That?" was better characterized as a feature or
bit rather than a real contest. It argued that as such the
material was not subject to the FCC's contest rules.
But the FCC would not buy that explanation. In affirming
the fine it stated that licensees must accurately disclose
all of the material terms of a contest. Also that licensees
must conduct the contest substantially as announced or
Good Karma Broadcasting was given the customary 30 days to
pay the fine or to file a further appeal. (FCC, RW)
If you are a young ham or know of one, you might want to
spread the word that Episode 3 of the Youth in Amateur Radio
Podcast is now on line and ready for download. In this
installment the young hosts discuss what you should do after
earning your amateur radio license including getting your
first radio and joining a radio club. Heres a sample:
Net Audio: ".to find a ham who will be able to assist you in
finding your first radio go to a local radio club and become
a member. Radio clubs will help you find your first radio
and they usually have monthly meetings which discuss local
issues in amateur radio and also organize fun activities
like Fox Hunts."
The Youth in Amateur Radio Podcast is produced by and for
the youngsters in amateur radio. Its primary hosts are
Anthony Spinelli, K2RCN, Sterling Coffey, N0SSC and Jacob
Keogh, KD0NVX. Other voices include Joe Andrews, KD0LOS,
and Matthew Chambers, NR0Q. Jerry Taylor KD0BIK serves as
the shows Executive Producer. To hear the complete program
and the two that preceded it simply take your web browser to
yarphams.com. You can also find it on itunes under Youth in
Amateur Radio podcast. (Youth in amateur Radio)
Some names in the news. We lead off with Amateur Radio
Newslines own Norm Seeley, KI7UP who tells us that recently
scored 100% on the State of Arizona Traffic School test.
While he does not know if he broke any records, Norm says
that he finished the exam in less than 4 minutes and 30
seconds. At that point he got up and left his computer,
after seeing that he had answered all questions correctly.
We say, congratulations.
Regardless of the upcoming outcome of the November
presidential election, don't be too surprised if Oregon
Representative Greg Walden, W7EQI, is named to the
chairmanship of the Republican National Congressional
Committee. News reports say that House Speaker John Boehner
recently gave a broad hint when he praised Walden by saying
that he would soon have a "bigger job."
While the post doesn't get much attention from the general
public, it's of major importance on Capitol Hill and is
often viewed as a step up on the House leadership ladder.
This is because thee chairman plays a key role in
distributing millions of dollars in campaign help, in
recruiting candidates and in making the tough calls on which
districts to bet heavily on. (Published news reports)
Turning to the ham radio social scene, all eyes will be on
the city of Starkville, Mississippi, the weekend of October
5th and 6th. That's when hams from around the country and
around the world are invited to join in on the 40th
anniversary of the founding of MFJ Enterprises by the
company's founder Martin Jue, K5FLU:
K5FLU: "Its going to be a fun event. We're opening all the
factories up for tours. We will have people working there
with the machines up so that you can see everything.
"We are going to have a free lunch. You can come over and
we will feed you some good fried chieken.
"We are going to have free tailgating. You bring your stuff
(to sell).
"We will have a VE session for taking license tests. And we
will have a special event station with our club K5MFJ.
"And we are going to have door prizes from each of our
companies. From MFJ, Ameritron, Hy-Gain, Cushcraft, Mirage
and Vectronics.
"And everybody is invited and we hope that everyone comes."
Again the dates for the MFJ Enterprizes 40th anniversary
party are October 5th and 6th at the company's headquarters
in Starkville, Mississippi. For more information take your
web browser to www.mfjenterprises.com. And oh yes, Ill see
you there. (MFJ)
Two weeks later on October 12th, 13th and 14th the joint
Pacificon and ARRL 2012 National Convention will take place
at the Mariott Hotel in Santa Clara, California. Hosted by
the Mt. Diablo Amateur Radio Club, Pacificon is considered
the premiere West coast ham radio gathering and this year
with the addition of the ARRL Expo, planners are going all
out to make it the best ever. And by going all out we mean
some 80 forums, a huge exhibit hall featuring all of the
well known ham radio manufacturers, distributors and
retailers; a huge flea market and several special
Among those who will be appearing at these years Pacificon
is Amateur Radio's best known educator and the co-host of
the T-V webcast Ham Nation, Gordon West, WB6NOA. Gordo will
be the keynote speaker presenting the Saturday Opening
Address and word is that this is already a complete
Also attending is NASA Astronaut Lee Morin, KF5DDB. He has
been announced as the evening banquet featured speaker.
Morin served as a Mission Specialist on the space shuttle
Atlantis for STS-110 mission that launched in April of 2002.
And flying in all the way from Lincoln, Nebraska is ham
radios favorite kit building enthusiast, Joe Eisenberg,
K0NEB. Eisenberg will be giving his acclaimed talk and
demonstration titled Kit Building 101 and 102 at Pacificon.
Add to that the ARRL Expo, an all day Friday antenna
seminar, special event station W1AW/6 and so much more that
there's no time to mention it all and you have the makings
of a great West coast ham radio gathering. And you can find
out more by simply going to www.pacificon.org on the World
Wide Web. (Pacificon)
This is ham radio news for today's radio amateur. From the
United States of America, We are the Amateur Radio Newsline
with links to the world from our only official website at
www.arnewsline.org and being relayed by the volunteer
services of the following radio amateur:
(5 sec pause here)
An upcoming article in a popular ham radio on-line
publication will peak your interest if you are interested in
the future of the hobby and what some of those in it now are
doing to insure its future. Amateur Radio Newsline's
Heather Butera-Howell, KB3TZD, has the details:
If you are a reader of Worldradio On-Line, then keep an eye
open for an interesting column by Carole Perry, WB2MGP.
Back in June, WB2MGP and one of her Radio Club of America
Young Achievers, Austin Schaller, KD0FAA, accepted an
invitation from Dr. Chip Cohen W1YW to visit his facility in
Waltham, Massachusetts.
Dr. Cohen is the inventor of fractal antenna technology and
in 1988 built the world's first fractal element antenna. He
is also the founder and Chief Technology Officer of Fractal
Antenna Systems and was interested in meeting with the 17
year old ham. This after KD0FAA gave a presentation on
fractal technology at a Radio Club of America Technical
Symposium in Dallas, Texas, last November.
According to Perry, W1YW attributes his ham radio background
as being responsible for his career choices and interests.
She tells Amateur Radio Newsline that KD0FAA was inspired by
the experience. Even more so when Dr. Cohen invited the
teenage ham to co-author an article with him.
For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Heather Butera-Howell,
KB3TZD, in Berwick, Pennsylvania.
WB2MGP says that this is what she calls the ham radio ripple
effect at its very best. You can read the entire story in
the next issue Worldradio Online when it hits you e-mail in
box. (WB2MGP)
Amateur astronomers last week reported a bright fireball on
the planet Jupiter that appears to be the result of a small
asteroid hitting the planet during the early hours of
September 10th. As the fireball faded, attention has turned
to trying to discover any possible debris around the impact
site. Observers will be monitoring the region in the nights
ahead to see what if anything surfaces. Updates will be
posted on-line at spaceweather.com (Spaceweather)
A fascinating Amateur Radio on the International Space
Station or ARISS contact was held on Friday, September 7th.
This, between astronaut Sunita Williams, KD5PLB and students
at the Michelstadt Gymnasium in Michelstadt, Germany. The
clarity of the space to Earth link via ham radio was
amazing. It enabled Williams to answer 14 questions posed
by the students during the ten minute pass. Here's a
Jessica: "What was the most scientific project you have
been involved in on the ISS?"
KD5PLB: ".I think the most interesting thing is the
investigations that we are doing on ourselves to see what
happens to the human body after being in space for a long
time. We are doing bone density; muscle measurements;
workouts; different nutrition projects and all of that is
going to help us understand what happens to the human body
after a long time so that we can prepare the next generation
which is your generation to go further. Back to the Moon
and on to Mars."
With this being a political season here in the United
States, one student was curious if astronauts can vote from
Arissa: "How do American astronauts vote for the
KD5PLB: "Great question. Actually we vote by state in the
U.S. and I am a Florida resident so I actually voted before
I left. But you can vote from space. People have done that
who are from the state of Texas."
Over 1600 students, teachers, and others were in attendance,
as well as representatives from German radio, television and
newspapers. The entire contact was video recorded and is
posted on-line at tinyurl.com/iss-german-contact (ARISS)
This years Icom sponsored D-STAR QSO Party runs from 00:00
UTC on Friday, September 21st to 24:00 hours on Sunday the
23rd. The goal of the D-STAR QSO Party is to communicate
through as many D-STAR repeaters as possible throughout the
world. All operators who submit an approved log will be
eligible for the prize draw with winners randomly selected
for each prize. For more information on this year's event
take your web browser to tinyurl.com/DSTAR-contest-2012.
In DX, word that DL3JH, is active stroke 6Y5 from Jamaica
through September 22nd. His operation should be on all of
the High Frequency bands using CW and SSB. QSL via his home
callsign only.
PT2OP will be operational as 3D2OP from Fiji between October
7th and the 14th. His activity will be holiday style on
the High Frequency bands. QSL via his home callsign, either
direct or via the bureau.
And speaking about Fiji, PY7ZY will be on from there as
3D2ZY from there between October 11th and the 15th. This
just prior to his participation in the Tarawa Island,
Western Kiribati, DXpedition. His operation will also be on
the High Frequency bands with QSL's also going via his home
F6ICX will be active as 5R8IC from Saint Marie Island,
Madagascar between November 10th and December 9th. His
operation will be holiday style operating CW, RTTY, and
PSK63 on 20 through 10 meters. QSL via his home callsign as
listed on QRZ.com.
SQ1DWR, will be active signing stroke CE3 from Chile between
October 10th and the 22nd. Operations will be on 40 through
10 meters using CW only. QSL as directed by the operator.
YJ8RN is currently visiting Loh Island in the Torres Island
Group and is active as YJ8RN stroke P. The length of stay
unknown and his operation has been mainly on 20 meter SSB.
QSL direct only to Rod Newell, Box 905, Port Vila, Vanuatu.
Lastly, Members of the "Invoker Team" will be active as
EG5INT from Columbretes Island between September
20th to the 24th. No frequencies or operating schedule has
yet been announced. If you work them please QSL only via
(Above from various DX news sources)
And finally this week a warning from the Center for Disease
Control saying that children and small button batteries are
a dangerous and increasingly common problem for one another.
Amateur Radio Newsline's Bruce Tennant, K6PZW, tells us why:
According to a new Center for Disease Control report, in
1998 battery related injuries sent 1,900 children to the
emergency room. In 2010 that number had risen to 4,800
cases being reported.
Overall, more than 40,000 children were admitted to
Emergency Rooms nationwide between 1997 and 2010. Almost
three quarters of them were 4 years old or younger. One in
10 children required hospitalization. 14 of them died.
Now the CDC has singled out button batteries as the most
potentially harmful type for young children to be near.
These are the small, thin round batteries often used to
power watches, hearing aids, and other small devices. They
are easy to swallow and can get stuck in a child's esophagus
leading to serious injury or death. In fact, the C-D-C
report says that twelve of the fourteen child mortalities
were attributed to button batteries and that the remaining
two also likely involved them.
The data, primarily from the National Electronic Injury
Surveillance System was collected and analyzed by the
federal Consumer Product Safety Commission. The report
states that the C-P-S-C is urging the electronics industry
and battery manufacturers to develop warnings and industry
standards to prevent serious injuries and deaths from button
The symptoms of battery ingestion
include vomiting, abdominal pain, fever, and diarrhea, as
well as difficulty breathing and swallowing. As these
symptoms can be attributed to numerous causes, it is
difficult to diagnose battery ingestion quickly. The
report's authors point out that this is especially true when
a child swallows a battery when no one is around to see them
do it.
Battery safety standards for children's toys are dictated by
law. All batteries must be inaccessible in toys designed
for children under age three, while toys for kids under age
twelve must make batteries under a certain size
inaccessible. Even so, at least three of the deaths noted
in the report were caused by batteries from devices not
meant for children. These including a remote car alarm, a
garage door opener, and a radio remote control.
A new law is being considered by Congress that may require
child-proofing for button battery enclosures on all consumer
products. Meantime its important that parents and
caregivers should be aware of the potential hazards
associated with battery exposure and ensure that products
containing them are either kept away from children or that
the batteries are secured safely in the product.
For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Bruce Tennant, K6PZW, in
Los Angeles.
The Consumer Product Safety Commission says that if a child
swallows a battery that you immediately contact your local
poison control center, your family doctor, or the 24-hour
National Battery Ingestion Hotline at 202-625-3333. You can
learn more about this hazard and how to proceed in the event
a child does swallow a battery at tinyurl.com/kids-button-
batteries. (CDC)
With thanks to Alan Labs, AMSAT, the ARRL, the CGC
Communicator, CQ Magazine, the FCC, the Ohio Penn DX
Bulletin, Radio Netherlands, Rain, the RSGB, the Southgate
News, TWiT-TV and Australia's W-I-A News, that's all from
the Amateur Radio NewslineT. Our e-mail address is
newsline(at) arnewsline (dot) org. More information is
available at Amateur Radio Newsline'sT only official website
located at www.arnewsline.org. You can also write to us or
support us at Amateur Radio NewslineT, 28197 Robin Avenue,
Santa Clarita California, 91350
For now, with Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF, at the editors' desk,
I'm Don Wilbanks, AE5DW, in Southern Mississippi saying 73
and we thank you for listening.
Amateur Radio NewslineT is Copyright 2012. All rights
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