Amateur Radio Newsline report number 1830 with a release
date of September 7 2012 to follow in 5-4-3-2-1.
The following is a Q-S-T. Ham radio responds to a typhoon
in Korea and an earthquake in the Philippines. Also, Yaesu
donates a pair of FT-2000 transceivers to help rebuild a
flood ravaged national society station in Thailand; the
European Commission proposes an all out spectrum sharing
plan; a shortwave transmitter in Bangladesh vacates the
amateur exclusive section of 40 meters and an old modulation
technique makes a money saving comeback for commercial
broadcasters. Find out the details are on Amateur Radio
NewslineT report number 1830 coming your way right now.
(Billboard Cart Here)
A powerful storm called Typhoon Bolaven battered Korea on
August 27th and 28. Then on August 31st a major earthquake
occurred off the coast of the Philippines. Responding to
both disasters were ham radio operators equipped to provide
emergency communication. Amateur Radio Newsline's Norm
Seeley, KI7UP, reports:
The South Korean state disaster management agency reported
ten deaths as a result of Typhoon Bolivan. It was the
strongest storm to hit the country for almost a decade and
left hundreds of thousands without electricity and suffering
property damage. It also churned up rough seas that smashed
two fishing ships into rocks off southern Jeju island.
Yong-Surke Lee, HL1FB, is the spokesperson for the Korean
Amateur Radio League. He said when Bolaven hit that
emergency traffic between the affected areas kept flowing to
the authorities via its D90IK, 2 meter repeater. In charge
of the ham radio relief operations was 6K2BUF acting as the
network control officer. At the height of the severe
weather outbreak almost two million South Korean homes and
businesses were without power or telephones.
Meantime the strongest earthquake in more than two decades,
measuring 7.6 on the Ritcher scale, hit the Philippines on
August 31st local time. Almost immediately after the event
members of the Ham Emergency Radio Operations group were
exchanging messages with the affected coastal areas.
Eddie Valdez DU1EV, is the Chief Operating Officer of the
Philippines Amateur Radio Association. He says that Roberto
Vincencio, DU1VHY, handled traffic and got reports from the
affected areas.
Valdez said the area of DU5 was nearest the epicenter.
Lester Price, DV5PO said that there was a power outage in
Borongan, on Samar Island. Reynaldo Tan, DV5RAY reported
that people had been evacuating because of the tsunami
alert. The alert was lifted after officials reported that
only small waves had been generated. Tens of thousands of
people who headed out of the danger zone have since
According to DU1EV, many hams in the affected areas showed
up on the 2 meter and 40 meter emergency channels. He added
that other districts were on standby if needed.
For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Norm Seeley, KI7UP, in
Scottsdale, Arizona.
The Philippine National Disaster Risk Reduction Management
Council initial assessment was that there was no major
structural damage in the affected areas. It noted that most
structures destroyed were built from light material.
(VK3PC, Post World, BBC)
Yaesu has donated a pair of FT-2000D transceivers to the
Radio Amateur Society of Thailand. This to help rebuild its
headquarters station HS0AC that lost its radio gear during
severe flooding last year.
The presentation of the two transceivers to the Radio
Society of Thailand was made by Dennis Motschenbacher, K7BV,
who is the company's Executive Vice President Amateur Radio
Sales and also holds the call sign HS0ZKS.
In his note, K7BV said that Thailand is what he called
extremely "radio active" with over 300,000 hams most of whom
are on VHF. However, that is in the process of changing.
Dennis says that after seven years of waiting, Thai hams are
once again able to test for a license that gives them
operating privileges on the High Frequency bands. According
to K7BV some 40 applicants have already passed the new exam
this year and at least one more test is schedule before
years end.
Photos of the presentation of the new Yaesu transceivers can
be seen at tinyurl.com/yaesu-thailand-radios (K7BV)
The European Commission has unveiled plans to deal with the
exponential growth in mobile and wireless data traffic.
This, by enabling wireless technologies, including
broadband, to share the use of the radio spectrum with other
The European Commission notes that with new technologies it
is possible to share radio spectrum among several users such
as internet providers or use the spectrum available between
TV frequencies for other purposes.
The Commission says that national spectrum regulation often
does not reflect the new technical possibilities, leaving
mobile and broadband users at risk of poor service as demand
grows. It also prevents a single market for investment in
such communications growth. Because of this the Commission
believes that a coordinated European approach to sharing
spectrum will lead to greater mobile network capacity,
cheaper wireless broadband, and new markets such as tradable
secondary rights for a given spectrum allocation.
The proposal is 12 pages long and does not seem to exclude
any service from the possibility of sharing spectrum with
another. What impact this proposal might eventually have on
amateur radio operations across Europe is at this point
unknown. You can download the proposal in PDF format at
tinyurl.com/european-shared-spectrum. (Southgate)
Some good news for users of the low end of 40 meters. The
Radio Society of Great Britain reports that Radio
Bangladesh has left 7 point 105 MHz after the broadcaster
finished its experimental transmissions and is now using 7
dot 250 MHz in the shared portion of the band.
The move is likely due to the many amateur radio operators
world wide who reported the infringement on the band.
Particular thanks go to the German telecommunications
authority which filed the official complaints to Radio
Bangladesh. (GB2RS)
If you were wondering about the strange band conditions this
past week you can blame it on old Sol. This after a Coronal
Mass Ejection or C-M-E hit Earth's magnetic field on at
approximately 1200 UTC on Monday, September 3rd.
According to Spaceweather.com the impact induced measurable
ground currents in the soil of northern Scandinavia and
sparked bright auroras around the Arctic Circle. In fact,
at the time the alert was issued, a moderately strong
geomagnetic storm that lasted several days was underway.
For current and future information on what the Sun is up to
and how it might affect radio propagation here on Earth,
simply take your web browser to spaceweather.com for the
very latest updates. (Spaceweather)
To commemorate the 100th anniversary of the use of ITU
callsign prefixes, special event station PB-100-PREFIX will
be on the air between October 4th and the 31st.
The back story on the standardization of calls came
following the loss of the ocean liner Titanic in April of
1912. The Titanic used the call letters MGY with the "M"
representing the Marconi company.
As a result there was an acknowledgement that there should
be international standards for radio communications. This
lead to several international meetings in the aftermath of
the Titanic's sinking and the emergence of the callsign
prefix system that has evolved into what we have today.
For more details, visit on this special commemorative
operation please take your web browser to
www.PB100PREFIX.nl. And if you make contact with
Hams making contact with a station signing ZD5KN on Gough
Island will not be getting any credit for the contact. This
is because Zed-D-9-K-N is what DX'ers call a "slim" or a
"pirate" operation.
According to the Ohio Penn DX Newsletter several sources
report that ZS1A, has confirmed that the callsign ZD9KN has
never been issued. As such the advice being given is to not
waste time working this station if you happen to hear him.
But there is some good news regarding this rather rare
entity. Word is that ZS6KX will be going to Gough Island
sometime this month and will be there for a year. He is
hoping to be issued the callsign ZD9KX and is waiting for
the approval of his license. No QSL route has yet been
announced so look for more details to be forthcoming. And
we will have more DX related news later on in this weeks
Amateur Radio Newsline report.
From the United States of America, We are the Amateur Radio
Newsline, heard on bulletin stations around the world
including the Alaska Morning Net serving America's final
(5 sec pause here)
Restructuring has come to ham radio in the Philippines.
This according to an announcement by the Philippines Amateur
Radio Association which says that following meetings between
the Amateur Radio Consultative Panel and the National
Telecommunications Commission or NTC, numerous changes to
that nations amateur service have been enacted. Amateur
Radio Newsline's Jim Meachen, ZL2BHF, is in Nelson, New
Zealand with more:
As reported by Philippines Amateur Radio Association that
organization has now been officially recognized by the
National Telecommunications Commission as the nations only
national amateur radio organization with the NTC to
maintaining a database of licensees that will be made
available in the public domain.
Under the revised rules an applicant for a Philippine
amateur license who passes an exam but does not own a radio
will be given an operator certificate with his own call
sign. Also a new entry level Foundation License or Class D
certificate with VHF-only privileges has been created with a
minimum age requirement of 9 years. And in the area of
administering Philippine Amateur Service exams, new question
pool and oversight committees have been officially
One other very important change is that the NTC will now
allow Philippine radio amateurs what it calls convergence
with the Internet. In other words it has authorized
interconnects for operations such as Echolink, IRLP and
other VoIP operations.
Lastly, hams in the Philippines have been granted to some
additional spectrum. Depending on license class, hams will
be permitted to operate from 135.7 kHz to 137.8 kHz; 472 kHz
to 479 kHz and 7.201 MHz to 7.300 MHz with Class B and Class
C allowed to operate High Frequency mobile.
For the Amateur Radio Newsline, Im Jim Meachen, ZL2BHF.
These changes to the Philippine Amateur Radio Service
regulations came into effect on August 30th. More details
can be found at www.para.org.ph/news.htm (PARA)
A follow up to a story from a few weeks ago involving an
unlicensed station in Ventura, California, on 89.7 MHz that
called itself KSSR, The Peoples Radio. It has now been
established that this station has been busted by the FCC
with a Notice of Unlicensed Operation issued to the station
itself as well as to the property owners that hosted it.
Amateur Radio Newslines Jim Damron, N8TMW, reports:
In a pair of letters dated August 14th the FCC notified the
station as an entity well as property owners John and Lisa
Darby that KSSR was found to be operating without a license
and must leave the air immediately. Both letters also
advised the recipients that they had ten days from the date
of the notice to respond with any evidence that they have
authority to operate granted by the FCC.
The notices said that the FCC staff will use all relevant
material information before it to determine what, if any,
enforcement action is required to ensure your compliance
with FCC Rules. This will include any information that the
station management or the property owners disclose in their
This notification from the FCC ends speculation that perhaps
the pirate saw private DF'ing activity taking place and
voluntarily suspended operations. But the station my have
had the final word. As of August 26th the unlicensed
stations website carried the following message: "Due to
unforeseen circumstances KSSR had the leave the FM airwaves
for a while."
Whether that means the station operator plans to return to
the airwaves at a later date or is just a smug way of
bidding its audience a fond farewell, is unknown. But if
the FCC has its way, the unlicensed KSSR will never be heard
on the Ventura, California airwaves, ever again.
From Charleston West Virginia, Im Jim Damron, N8TMW
As is normal in these cases both the station and the
property owner were give the customary 30 days to file a
response. (CGC, FCC)
New York's Suffolk County Radio Club is seeking a donation
of a mid-sized trailer to continue its Emergency
Communications Field work. This after its present
communications vehicle has become unusable due to its age.
For those not aware, the Suffolk County Radio Club was
established in 1947 and is the oldest radio club on Long
Island. Its members provide free manpower as a public
service for special events in addition to their volunteer
emergency communications during disasters such as hurricanes
and wildfires.
If you have a covered trailer in the 12 by 8 foot category
that you would consider donating, please contact club Vice
President, Jim Fehling, N2JFD by telephone at area code 631-
926-4370. Or you can e-mail him to n2jfdny (at) gmail (dot)
com. (Suffolk Radio Club)
A Colorado Springs, Colorado, ham radio operator and his
wife who were involved in an automobile accident on their
way home from church have died from their injuries. This,
after their car was broadsided by a driver alleged to have
been going the wrong way down a one-way street. Amateur
Radio Newsline producer Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF, has the
details on this tragic event:
According to police reports, Teddy Allison, N0NKG and his
wife Mary Ann were in their Saturn headed home from church
services at about 10:45 a.m. on Sunday, August 12th. That's
when a Chevrolet Malibu, driven by 18 year old Khalil
Sanders allegedly drove the wrong way on a one-way street,
entered an intersection without stopping and slammed into
the Allison's car.
The couple was taken to the hospital, both in critical
condition. Teddy Allison, who was age 67, died on August
15th. Mary Ann Allison succumb to her injuries on August
Khalil Sanders was also taken to the hospital and was
treated and later released. Police continue to investigate
the crash and are still determining what charges, if any, he
potentially faces.
For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF,
I the newsroom in Los Angeles.
Teddy Allison, N0NKG, was an electronics technician at
Hewlett Packard and Mary Ann Allison was a homemaker and
accountant at Young life. The Allison's had just celebrated
their 49th wedding anniversary on July 7th. (N0RDC)
Some new faces and some old ones are returning to the ARRL
Field Operations arena. This following the counting of
ballots in this years Section Manager elections.
In the North-East, ARRL Connecticut Section Manager Betsey
Doane, K1EIC, was re-elected to another term. Meantime John
Mueller, K2BT, won out as the new Western New York Section
Also, Puerto Rico will be getting a new Section Manager in
Rene Fonseca, NP3O, of the city of Fajardo. Fonseca will be
taking over from Roberto Jiminez, KP4AC, who has served as
Section Manager since 2007 but decided not to run for
another term of office.
All elected start their new terms on October 1st. (ARRL)
Some names in the news. CQ Magazine has announced that Bob
Cox, K3EST, has retired as Director of the CQ World Wide DX
Contest and as CQ's Director of Contesting. Cox has been at
the helm of the CQ World Wide DX contest for 35 years.
During his tenure he guided the competition through numerous
changes in technology and growth to become the world's most
popular amateur radio contest. Cox's retirement is effective
immediately. A successor has not yet been named. (CQ)
According to a posting on Facebook by the lead character of
the situation comedy Last Man Standing, as soon as it get
closer to the shows season two premiere of Friday, November
2nd, they will be holding a combined HF, VHF, UHF and D-Star
ham radio operating event. This will put all of the amateur
radio gear used on the show and the licensed staff members
on the air for you to contact.
The shows producer is John Amodeo, NN6JA. He has just
uploaded to Facebook close to a dozen photos of the new
outdoor antenna installation on the roof of the Studio City,
California sound stage where the Last Man Standing is
recorded. If you are on Facebook you can see them by
putting the words "Last Man Standing Season 2 Antenna Farm"
into the search line at the top of any Facebook page.
For those of you who have not yet seen the show, Last Man
Standing follows the adventures of Mike Baxter played by
actor and comedian Tim Allen. Baxter's character is the
director of marketing at an outdoor sporting goods store in
Denver, Colorado, whose world is dominated by women. This
is especially true at home with his wife and three
daughters. His hobby turns out to be amateur radio with
Baxter using the call letters KA0XTT. Last Man Standing
airs on the ABC television network. (ARNewslineT)
This is ham radio news for today's radio amateur. From the
United States of America, We are the Amateur Radio Newsline
with links to the world from our only official website at
www.arnewsline.org and being relayed by the volunteer
services of the following radio amateur:
(5 sec pause here)
Want to put a small satellite into orbit? Well now is your
chance providing the bird you want to launch meets some
specific criteria. Amateur Radio Newslines Don Wilbanks,
AE5DW, has the details:
NASA is seeking proposals for small satellite payloads to
fly on rockets planned to launch between 2013 and 2016.
These miniature spacecraft, known as CubeSats, could be
auxiliary payloads on previously planned missions or on yet
to be announced orbital opportunities.
CubeSats are a class of research spacecraft called nano-
satellites. These cube-shaped satellites are approximately
four inches long, have a volume of about one quart and weigh
less than three pounds.
Proposed CubeSat investigations must be consistent with
NASA's Strategic Plan and the NASA education vision and
goals. The research must address aspects of science,
exploration, technology development, education or
Applicants must submit proposals electronically by 4:30 p.m.
EST, November 12th. NASA will select the payloads by next
January 31st. Selection does not guarantee a launch
opportunity but the selected spacecraft will be eligible for
flight after final negotiations when a launch opportunity
arises. It should be noted that NASA provides only a
possible launch opportunity but it will not provide funding
for the development of the small satellites.
Meantime from the first three launch initiatives, 64
payloads made the short list for launch opportunities
between now and 2014. These satellites come from 25 states
and are eligible for la ride to orbit pending an appropriate
opportunity and final negotiations.
I'm Don Wilbanks, AE5DW.
For additional information about NASA's CubeSat Launch
Initiative program, visit go.nasa.gov/puk9K2 (NASA)
The Zambian government has issued 10 licenses and 16
construction permits to radio and TV stations in the
Those chosen are expected to switch to digital broadcasting
before the 2013 deadline set by the Southern Africa
Development Community.
According to the nations Minister of Information and
Broadcasting Services, the move is intended to enhance
participation in the affairs of the country, as well as
offer people an opportunity to air their views on issues of
national interest. (RW)
On the air, special event station ON44CLM will be
operational from October 16th through November 15th in
commemoration of the liberation of the town of Knokke in
Belgium by the Canadian Army in 1944. The C-L-M suffix
stands for Canadian Liberation March. More information is
on-line at www.on44clm.be. (Southgate)
Hams in Erin's Isle have taken to the air to celebrate the
25th anniversary of the Dublin Bus with special event
special event station E-I-25-D-B operational from now
through June 30th of 2013. The station will be operated by
current and former employees of Dublin Bus Company led by
EI9HQ and EI4GZB. QSL this operation to EI9HQ or
electronically using either Logbook of the World or
HamLog.eu. The Dublin Bus Company is a major public
transportation supplier through out the city of Dublin,
Ireland. (Southgate)
For the 24th straight year look for the VooDoo Contest
Group to again be active from Liberia between November 21st
and the 27th. Operations will be from a location just South
of Monrovia, the capital of Liberia. Their main goal is to
be an entry in the CQ World Wide DX CW Contest on November
24th and 25th as a Multi-Multi category using the callsign E-
L-2-A. Outside of the contest the operators will use their
own personal callsigns. QSL as directed by each operator.
In DX, SM1TDE will be active portable 5Z4 from Diani Beach,
Mombasa, Kenya between November 5th and the 22nd. This will
be a family vacation and activity will be limited to how
much his XYL and kids allow. His operation will be on 40
through 10 meters on CW only. QSL via his home callsign,
either direct, via the bureau or electronically using
Logbook of the World.
JA7SGV is now operational as 9J2JA from Zambia. His length
of stay is unknown. Activity has been on the 30, 20, 17 and
15 meters using CW only. QSL via his home callsign.
W4XP who was expected to be active now as VQ9XP from the
club station VQ9X on Diego Garcia Atoll has been forced to
cancel the operation. He says that this is because the
station has been placed off-limits by the installation
PA0FAW will be operating PC12WSF through September 30th for
the World Statues Festival in Arnhem in the Nethlands.
Modes mentioned are CW, SSB and PSK. QSL to PA0FAW either
direct, via the bureau or electronically via eQSL. This
operation will not accept Logbook of the World confirmation
Lastly, CT1FJZ will be working in Angola for the next year
or so and will be operational on 80 through 10 meter SSB
using the callsign D2FJZ. His activity will be mainly at
the weekends but he will try to get on the air whenever
possible during weekdays. QSL as directed on the air.
(Above from various DX news sources)
And finally this week, an old modulation technology is
making a comeback for A-M broadcast stations in a new and
money saving way. Amateur Radio Newsline's George Bowen,
W2XBS, has the details where something old is new again:
Back in the days of full carrier A-M transmission one very
popular and low cost way to put ones voice onto a carrier
wave was to modulate the final power amplifier's screen
grid. A variation on this that required no heavy modulation
transformer was to vary the output power of the transmitter
at an audio rate by varying the final amplifier's screen
voltage at an audio rate. This system was called controlled
carrier A-M and it was made very popular on the ham bands in
the 1940's, 1950's and 1960's in such budget priced
transmitters as the Heathkit DX-35, DX-40 and DX-60 to name
only a few.
With the advent of single sideband transmission, full
carrier A-M fell out of favor in the ham radio world but it
has remained a staple in the broadcast industry and other
services that want to get their message to the public. And
now, carrier control modulation is making a comeback among
broadcasters but not in the way it was done by radio
amateurs of the past.
For broadcasters who spend 10's of thousands of dollars a
year paying for electric service, the ability to raise and
lower power levels can be a major cost cutting factor. And
because of this a number of stations have received waivers
from the FCC to experiment with several new forms of carrier
control technology.
In one instance, transmitter manufacturer Harris Broadcast
and New York City powerhouse WOR-AM say they have had
success with a power-saving Modulation Dependent Carrier
Level algorithm. This with no effect on Arbitron Portable
People Meter data encoding/decoding, the stations H-D Radio
signal coverage or digital audio quality.
Harris engineers worked with Tom Ray, W2TRR , who is the
Corporate Director of Engineering WOR AM in New York, to
test the compatibility of two Harris Modulation-Dependent
Carrier Level algorithms. Amplitude Modulation Companding
provided the largest reduction in transmitter power
consumption, by saving 37 percent in average AC power input
to the transmitter. WOR estimated this translates up to a
$3,000 per month savings on the electric bill at his New
Jersey transmitter site.
So will this new form of Amplitude Modulation Companding
bring back full carrier AM to the ham bands? While a tiny
segment may decide to experiment with it more than likely
SSB will remain the preferred voice system among ham radio
operators world wide. At least until it's replaced by a
digital voice system at sometime in the future.
For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm George Bowen, W2XBS, at
the North East Bureau in Albany New York.
Nautel, another transmitter manufacturer has estimated that
a 50 kilowatt AM transmitter using this technology and
operating 24 hours a day, 7 days a week could easily save
$20,000 a year or more in electricity costs. This based on
modest electricity rates of 10 cents per kilowatt hour.
The complete story can be found on-line at
tinyurl.com/harris-modulation (RW)
With thanks to Alan Labs, AMSAT, the ARRL, the CGC
Communicator, CQ Magazine, the FCC, the Ohio Penn DX
Bulletin, Radio Netherlands, Rain, the RSGB, the Southgate
News, TWiT-TV and Australia's W-I-A News, that's all from
the Amateur Radio NewslineT. Our e-mail address is
newsline(at) arnewsline (dot) org. More information is
available at Amateur Radio Newsline'sT only official website
located at www.arnewsline.org.
Before we go a reminder that we are continuing our survey to
learn who still receive these newscasts over our 661-296-
2407 dial in line rater than downloading the MP3 file from
our website. If you are one of those who call in each week
on the phone, please send us a note telling us who you are
and the reason you are using telephone access rather than
simply downloading the newscast from the Internet. Our
address is the Amateur Radio Newsline, 28197 Robin Avenue,
Saugus California, 91350. Or you can e-mail us at newsline
(at) arnewsline (dot) org. We look forward to hearing from
For now, with Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF, at the editors' desk,
I'm Jim Davis, W2JKD, saying 73 and we thank you for
Amateur Radio NewslineT is Copyright 2012. All rights
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