Amateur Radio Newsline report number 1820 with a release
date of June 29, 2012 to follow in 5-4-3-2-1.
The following is a Q-S-T. Ham radio continues its aid in
response to wildfires in Colorado; hams in Sri Lanka say
they want to be included in ham radio emergency
communications; big changes coming to 70 centimeters down
under; a day change for Ham Nation and a new method of data
transfer could reach 2 point 5 terabytes per second. Find
out the details are on Amateur Radio NewslineT report number
1820 coming your way right now.
(Billboard Cart Here)
We begin this week with an update on ham radio assisting
those fighting the wildfires burning in Colorado and New
Mexico. Don Carlson, KQ6FM, has what's known so far:
According to a report in the Denver Post, ham radio
operators have become an integral part of the fire fighting
effort. A story talks about the contributions of Amateur
Radio Emergency Service operators. It describes in detail
the work of Randy Long, K7AVV, who the paper says is a ham
radio operator asked by firefighters to find more volunteers
to aid communication in the High Park fire zone.
Since then Long has been managing a team of ham radio
operators staffing eight hour shifts around the clock. They
are described as setting up portable repeaters and relaying
messages between the fire lines and command posts. About 40
operators have so far volunteered. Long is an Amateur Radio
Emergency Service coordinator for Larimer and Weld counties
who was forced to evacuate from his home southeast of
Buckhorn Mountain.
Also involved in the Colorado fire communications effort is
Colorado Section Emergency Coordinator Robert Wareham,
N0ESQ, Long, Wareham and the other ARES volunteers were
reported to be at the National Guard Armory in Fort Collins.
They became an integral part of the communications effort as
the High Park fire encircled Buckhorn and Horsetooth
mountains. That's where critical hubs of Larimer County
public safety communications towers stand.
The Post story notes that as a part of their hobby amateur
radio operators have set up about 50 mountaintop repeaters
around northern Colorado. If the public service
communication systems were damaged or forced off line, the
hams could provide alternate communications through one of
their repeaters or set up a portable repeater to fill in any
Agencies being served by ARES volunteers include the Larimer
County Sheriff, American Red Cross, US Forest Service,
Colorado State Patrol, and the High Park Fire Incident
Management team of the Poudre Park Fire Department.
Yet another massive wildfire broke out near the city of
Colorado Springs on Saturday, June 23rd. Called the Waldo
Canyon Fire this blaze suddenly grew to a level of fierce on
Tuesday, June 26th. So far it has forced 32,000 people from
their homes and has prompted evacuations from the near-by
United States Air Force Academy. The fire is reported to
literally be swallowing numerous houses at the edge of
Colorado Springs. As we go to air there is no word of any
direct involvement by ARES or RACES teams but its likely
that some amateur radio communications lines are already on-
Meanwhile in New Mexico, ham radio operations have stood
down following the Little Bear Fire in and around the city
of Riudoso. Michael Scales, K5SCA, is the New Mexico Section
Emergency Coordinator. In a note released on June 17th and
relayed to Newsline by Jay Miller, W5WHN, all personnel
have been released at this point. However they should be
aware that the new threat is flash flooding. With that in
mind they should remain somewhat vigilant and have their "go
kits" ready for deployment.
The Little Bear Fire destroyed 224 homes and had burned 59
square miles before it was 60 percent contained. As
reported here two weeks ago, several New Mexico ARES units
responded to that blaze.
For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Don Carlson, KQ6FM, in
More on this situation as information is made available to
us. (W5WHN, Denver Post, others)
Sri Lanka's amateur radio operators have renewed their call
to be included in communication work during national
disasters. This after the nation's defense authorities have
relaxed rules on clearing ham radio equipment into that
The report in Lanka Business quotes Radio Society of Sri
Lanka official, Victor Goonetilleke, 4S7VK, as saying that
Sri Lankan hams would like to join-up with the National
Disaster Management Centre in some way. This, to help them
with emergency communication work.
4S7VK spoke during a recent public lecture on Disaster Risk
Reduction, organized by LIRNEasia, which is a regional think-
tank. At the gathering it was noted that with some 200
members the Radio Society of Sri Lanka is not new to
disaster communications in the island. It was noted that
the society played a crucial role during the 2004 Asian
tsunami that claimed over 30,000 lives and displacing about
one million people. More is on-line at tinyurl.com/srilanka-
emcomm and in this case srilanka is spelled as one word.
(Radio Society of Sri Lanka)
Big changes are coming to the amateur 70 centimeter band
down under. We have more in this report:
The Australian Communications and Media Authority's Spectrum
Conference this year saw the ongoing work associated on the
review of 400 MHz spectrum. This is a band of frequencies
that also includes the 70 centimeter ham radio allocation.
Currently, the Australian amateur service has a secondary
status between 420 and 450 MHz. In the last report from the
Australian Communications and Media Authority on its review
issued April 2010, it advised that the allocation for the
amateur service between 430 and 450 MHz would not be
affected from any rearrangement. However, they cited, a
possible need for some temporary use by other services in
the segment 440 to 450 MHz during the transition period.
In the Amateur secondary segment 420 to 430 MHz, in some
geographic areas around Australia, amateur use of that
spectrum has already been withdrawn. At the conference, the
Australian Communications and Media Authority indicated that
they will be seeking to consult with the Wireless Institute
of Australia on withdrawal of the amateur service in this
segment across the rest of that nation.
Currently, the major use of this band segment by amateurs is
fixed links and the like. The Australian Communications and
Media Authority database lists around 126 assignments to
some 35 licensees. It is expected these can be relocated to
the 430 to 450 MHz portion of the band.
For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF,
in the Newsroom in Los Angeles.
You can follow this story on-line on the Wireless Institute
of Australia news-pages at www.wia.org.au (WIA News)
Hams in Malta now have access to a new low frequency band.
The as the Malta Communications Authority grants amateurs
access to 472 to 479 kHz. The country's National Frequency
Plan identifies this as a secondary allocation, with a
maximum power of 1 watt Effective Radiated Power. (GB2RS)
From the United States of America, We are the Amateur Radio
Newsline, heard on bulletin stations around the world
including the N5YYU repeater serving Clinton, Arkansas.
(5 sec pause here)
The FCC has issued a $15,000 Notice of Apparent Liability
also known as a proposed fine to Pierre Nixon Jean. This,
for operating an unauthorized station on 92.5 MHz in West
Palm Beach, Florida. Amateur Radio Newsline's Norm Seeley,
KI7UP, has the details:
This past February, FCC agents from the Miami office traced
the source of unauthorized signal on 92.5 MHz to an antenna
mounted on the roof of an apartment building in West Palm
Beach. Agents heard the station identify itself on the air
as "Exitfm.com."
Doing a bit of on-line sleuthing, the agents found an
Internet site for the station that showed a photo of Pierre
Nixon Jean as a D-J and identified him as the station owner.
The agents also learned from the building owner that Jean
rented an apartment in the building from sometime in 2010
through March of this year. He also identified Jean from a
photograph as being the renter.
The building owner told the agents he had seen what he
believed what might have been transmitting equipment inside
the unit and told Jean to remove the gear after speaking to
the FCC. The Enforcement Bureau confirmed the antenna was
removed in May.
Now, in its penalty decision, the FCC says that Jean had no
license for the station and was operating the facility
illegally. The FCC also noted that Jean had been found to
have been transmitting unlawfully on the same frequency from
another location in 2010. It said that such continued
illegal operation demonstrates a deliberate disregard for
the commission's rules. Because of this the agency
increased the level of the fine from the $10,000 base figure
to $15,000.
For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Norm Seeley, KI7UP, in
Scottsdale Arizona.
As is usual in these cases, Pierre Nixon Jean has 30 days to
pay the fine or file an appeal. (FCC)
The FCC has affirmed a $22,000 monetary forfeiture
previously issued to Arthur Lee Young Cosby, Tennessee.
This for his alleged operation of an unlicensed radio
station on 87.9 MHz and refusal to allow an inspection of
his radio station.
This past March 27th the FCC Enforcement Bureau's Atlanta
Office (issued a Notice of Apparent Liability for Forfeiture
to Young for the alleged violations. According to the
regulatory agency, Young has not filed a response to the
NAL. So, based on the information before it, the FCC
affirmed the fine on June 8th. Young was given the
customary 30 days from issuance of the fine to pay it or to
file an appeal. (FCC)
Beginning on July 11th, the TWIT.tv program Ham Nation will
be moving to Wednesday evenings. This as network owner Leo
Laporte, W6TWT, announces a new programming schedule. Bob
Heil, K9EID, who hosts Ham Nation says that the move is
really good news for his program due to the strong lead in
shows that Leo Laporte has chosen to precede it:
K9EID: "They're going to change the day of Ham Nation and
we are going to move it to Wednesday. The reason is that he
is going to put up a like-up of some of his top shows on
"It starts off with the Security Now with Steve Gibson which
is an incredible show, by the way. (It covers) all kinds of
security (including) your home, your computer. Whatever
needs security, Steve is the master.
"And then, they are going to have the TWIG show - This Week
in Google, Android and all that.
"Then, the big show Triangulation. That show will precede
Ham Nation.
"So you're going to have four of their top shows on
The day change does not affect the shows hour of air-time
schedule. The netcast will still take place live at 9 P.M.
Eastern, 6 P.M. Pacific with video and audio podcasts
available for download at twit.tv/hn about 24 hours later.
Again the new day for the TWIT.TV amateur radio program Ham
Nation will be on Wednesday starting on July 11th. K9EID
and the gang hope you will join them there. (Ham Nation)
Etherkit which is a new amateur radio kit company devoted to
open source hardware, has released its first product.
Called OpenBeacon, it is described as an open source crystal-
controlled QRP beacon transmitter kit which can output a
variety of slow-speed modes. These include QRSS, DFCW, and
Sequential Multi-tone Hellschreiber. More information is on-
line at www.etherkit.com (Southgate)
The Calgary Amateur Radio Association will be operating
special event station CK6S from July 5 to 15th. This to
celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the Calgary Stampede.
The Calgary Stampede is an
annual rodeo, exhibition and festival held every July
in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. The event's roots are traced
to 1886 when the Calgary and District Agricultural Society
held its first fair.
In 1912, American promoter Guy Weadick organized his first
rodeo and festival, known as the Stampede. He returned to
Calgary in 1919 to organize the Victory Stampede in honor of
soldiers returning from World War I. Weadick's festival
became an annual event in 1923 when it merged with the
Calgary Industrial Exhibition to create the Calgary
Exhibition and Stampede.
The ham radio special event station CK6S plans to use
frequencies in the general portion of the United States
phone bands. These will be around 3.825, 7.180, 14.250,
21.320 and 28.475 MHz. A special QSL card will be
available through the QSL bureau or direct by following the
CK6S/VE6AO QSL instructions on QRZ.com. (VE6TC, Wikipedia)
A celebration of the world's first telecommunications
satellite will take place on July 7th. This when the Radio
Adventurers of Maine activate the callsign W1A to
commemorate the first messages through the Telstar bird.
They will be operating on site at the Andover, Maine
satellite facility, the original earth station which
broadcast the first messages via Telstar was uplinked on
July 10th, 1962. The clubs commemorative operation will
begin at 1300 UTC on both 40 and 20 meter phone. Other
bands will be added as propagation allows. QSL as directed
on the air. (Radio Adventurers of Maine)
Some names in the news. First up is Jaime Gavin, KF7WIS,
who has been named as the first General Manager of the
QRZ.com ham radio website. According to site owner Fred
Lloyd, AA7BQ, Gavin will be overseeing all aspects of QRZ's
daily business and interaction with the public.
Jaime Gavin holds a Master's degree from Arizona State
University and Lloyd describes her as being extremely
enthusiastic and capable. She will be handling the business
aspects of QRZ LLC, and will oversee its day-to-day
activities including advertising sales, database
administration, and user and customer support.
According to AA7BQ, with the addition of KF7WIS, his role at
QRZ now transitions to the one that he loves the most. That
being the sites systems designer, programmer, and ambassador
for QRZ.com. (QRZ)
The Catholic University of America Columbus School of Law
has honored communications law expert Richard Wiley for a
lifetime of achievement, including a career at the Federal
Communications Commission that spanned three presidential
Wiley is the only person to act as general counsel,
commissioner and chairman of the FCC. He started under
President Richard Nixon, served under President Gerald Ford
and then resigned after helping transition into the
administration of President Jimmy Carter for a year. His
pivotal role in the development of HDTV earned him the
nickname, the "Godfather of Digital Television," and earned
him an Emmy from the Academy of Television Arts and
Richard Wiley, who is now age 77, is only the third person
to receive the Milestone Award from the university's
Institute for Communications Law Studies. (RW)
John Ghormley, KJ4UFG, who is the editor of the South East
Repeater Association publication known as the SERA Repeater
Journal is looking for a cover photo that depicts an ARRL
Field Day activity.
Specifically, KJ4UFG requires a high resolution photograph
taken at a Field Day site in Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi,
North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and
West Virginia. These are the states serviced by the
A suitable cover photo should be in vertical portrait
orientation. The file size should be such that it can be
turned into a super sharp image of at least 300 dots per
inch or greater when rendered at 8.5"x11" page size. If
there are people prominently depicted in the photo, he will
need full names, and call signs for the hams in the photo.
If you have a photo you want to submit, email it as an
attachment, to editor (at) sera (dot) org. (KJ4UFG)
This is ham radio news for today's radio amateur. From the
United States of America, We are the Amateur Radio Newsline
with links to the world from our only official website at
www.arnewsline.org and being relayed by the volunteer
services of the following radio amateur:
(5 sec pause here)
It's yet another changing of the guard in amateur radio.
This as we learn the sad news of the passing of former ARRL
General Manager Richard Baldwin, W1RU, of Damariscotta,
An ARRL Charter Life Member, Richard Baldwin capped a long
career on the ARRL staff with service as General Manager
from 1975 until his retirement in 1982. He served as
Secretary of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)
from 1976 to 1982. After retirement, he continued his
involvement as a volunteer, serving as IARU President
from 1982 to 1999 and as ARRL International Affairs Vice
President from 1982 to 1986.
According to his daughter Judy, Baldwin's life revolved
around telecommunications. He first became licensed in 1934
as W1IKE. An Amateur Extra class licensee, he earned DXCC,
WAS and WAC, as well as membership in the ARRL's A-1
Operator Club.
Baldwin began his career at ARRL Headquarters in 1948 as an
Assistant Secretary. After a brief hiatus to work in the
private sector in the early 1950s, he returned in 1956 as
Managing Editor of QST. In that position he was responsible
for production of the monthly member journal and all ARRL
In 1963, Baldwin became Assistant General Manager and almost
immediately got involved with international matters. He
organized the Intruder Watch program and served as the ARRL
Liaison between the amateurs who monitored the bands and the
FCC. In 1975 he was named by the ARRL Board to succeed John
Huntoon, W1RW, as General Manager on Huntoon's retirement,
That's the position now titled Chief Executive Officer. In
total, Baldwin wrote 234 articles and columns for QST.
A graduate of Bates College in Maine, Baldwin earned an MS
in Physics from Boston University in 1948. He spent five
years in the US Navy during World War II. In March 1943,
while serving as Communications Officer aboard the USS
Coghlan, he participated in the longest American naval
daylight firefight of the war. That being the Battle of the
Komandorski Islands. After the war he served in the US
Naval Reserve, achieving the rank of Commander.
Richard Baldwin, W1RU, was age 92 when passed away on
Thursday, June 21, after a long struggle with Parkinson's
Disease. He is survived by his wife Phyllis, daughter Judy
and son Glenn. A memorial service was planned for Friday,
June 29 at Second Congregational Church in Newcastle, Maine.
American and Israeli scientists have developed a new
technology of wirelessly transmitting data using twisted
beams of light that could produce a theoretical throughput
of 2.5 terabits per second. Amateur Radio Newsline's
Heather Butera-Howell, KB3TZD, has the story of the science
making this possible:
The new method of high speed data transfer reportedly uses
orbital angular momentum or O-A-M to increase the amount of
information that can be carried by a single stream. To
accomplish this feat, the researchers twisted together eight
300 Gigabytes per second visible light data streams using O-
A-M technology over a space of one meter to achieve speeds
of 2.5 terabits per second. The development comes just one
month after it was finally proved that orbital angular
momentum is actually possible.
Using this new orbital angular momentum technology an
infinite number of conventional transmission protocols such
as WiFi and LTE, can be twisted together for faster speeds
without the need for more spectrum. For perspective, that's
more than 8,000 times faster than the fastest home Internet
connection at 300 Megabytes per second.
The development team says that it will be working increasing
the transmission distance which currently at only 1 meter.
The theoretical distance limit for this new method is likely
to be less than one kilometer. At least in the foreseeable
For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Heater Butera-Howell,
KB3TZD, in Berwick, Pennsylvania
You can read more on-line at tinyurl.com/super-speed-data.
(slashgear.com, N6ZXJ)
2E1EUB is currently mobile on the various amateur radio
satellites from Scotland. He began his operation on June
24th and can be heard stroke P through July 6th or 7th.
Grid squares he will be activating include IO-76 IO-77 IO-87
and others if he has the time. QSL to 2M1EUB via his
address on QRZ.com. (Southgate)
This note to our friends up north. Radio Amateurs of Canada
says that volunteers are needed to provide communications in
support of that nations Coast to Coast Against Cancer
Foundation cycling event. The ride takes place August 3d to
the 5th along Nova Scotia's Cabot Trail. The route involves
at least 100 riders and more than 50 volunteers.
If you are able to help, please drop a note to Doug Mercer,
V-Oh-1-T-D-M at dougvo1dtm (at) gmail (dot) com. You can
also get in touch with Radio Amateurs of Canada's Atlantic
Director Ev Price at vo1dk (at) rac (dot) ca or Deputy
Director Len Morgan ve9my (at) rac (dot) ca. Any assistance
will be sincerely appreciated. (RAC)
Meantime, keep an ear open for special event station GB4TDF.
G1JYB, G1LAT and the Sands Contest Group are hosting the
operation from Oysterber Farm in the UK to coincide with
for the 2012 Tour our de France bicycle race.
The special event station began operation on June 26th and
will terminate on July 23rd. Operations will be on HF, VHF
and UHF as time and band conditions permit. A special
commemorative QSL card will be available. More is on
QRZ.com under GB4TDF.
The actual Tour de France cycling event starts on the June
30th June and ends on July 22nd. (E-Mail)
In DX, Bill Moore, NC1L, the ARRL Awards Branch Manager,
tells Newsline that the 2011 TL8ES Central African Republic
and the 2012 TT8ES expedition to Chad have both been
approved for DXCC credit. Also approved has been the 2012
XW4XR operation from Laos. Card submissions for all of
these operations are now welcome.
DL4ME will be active as 5H3ME from Tanzania between August
14th and September 3rd. His operation will be holiday style
on the H-F bands from 80 through 6 meters using CW and the
Digital modes. QSL via his home callsign.
AJ9C will be active as YN2CC from Granada, Nicaragua,
between November 20th and the 28th. Operations will be on
160 through 6 meters using CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL
electronically via Logbook of the World or direct to his
home callsign.
LA0HF will be on the air as TY2BP from Benin for a minimum
of 30 days and could be there for as long as 45. Activity
will be on 20/15/10 meters. QSL via IK2IQD.
Lastly, VE2XB will be operational stroke FP from St. Pierre
and Miquelon Islands from August 10th to the 20th. His
activity will have a special focus on 6 meters, but he will
also be active on all bands from 80 through 10 meters as
well. QSL via VE2XB.
(Above from various DX news sources)
And finally this week, a new super high speed data
processing facility to look at signals received from deep
space is slated to be built down-under. WIA newsman Graham
Kemp, VK4BB, has the details:
One of the world's most powerful supercomputers is planned
for Perth to process vast amounts of data being collected by
radio telescopes in Western Australia's Murchison region.
WA Today said the supercomputer is to be housed in the
Pawsey Centre being built in the southern Perth suburb of
Kensington, near Curtin University.
The machines will initially process data from existing radio
telescopes based at the Murchison Radio-astronomy
Observatory but is free to expand for use in the
international Square Kilometre Array project.
It was decided in May that Australia would share the $2
billion Square Kilometre Array project with South Africa.
3000 dishes and a discovery potential 10,000 times greater
than the best contemporary instruments, the SKA will observe
such things as what happened after the big bang and how
galaxies evolved, and will attempt to uncover more about the
"dark matter" that fills the majority of the universe.
For the Amateur Radio Newsline I'm Graham Kemp, VK4BB, of
the WIA News in Australia.
More on this project is on-line at tinyurl.com/vk-super-
computer. (VK1WIA)
With thanks to Alan Labs, AMSAT, the ARRL, the CGC
Communicator, CQ Magazine, the FCC, the Ohio Penn DX
Bulletin, Radio Netherlands, Rain, the RSGB, the Southgate
News and Australia's W-I-A News, that's all from the Amateur
Radio NewslineT. Our e-mail address is newsline(at)
arnewsline (dot) org. More information is available at
Amateur Radio Newsline'sT only official website located at
www.arnewsline.org. You can also write to us or support us
at Amateur Radio NewslineT, 28197 Robin Avenue, Santa
Clarita California, 91350
For now, with Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF, at the editor's desk,
I'm Jim Davis, W2JKD, saying 73 and we thank you for
Amateur Radio NewslineT is Copyright 2012. All rights
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