Amateur Radio Newsline report number 1816 with a release
date of June 1, 2012 to follow in 5-4-3-2-1.
The following is a Q-S-T.
The following is a Q-S-T. Italian hams called out as
earthquakes hit near the city of Bologna; South African hams
ready to respond after mine disaster, more on Icom's support
of the Boy Scouts of America and a new plateau in solar
energy is reached down-under. Find out the details are on
Amateur Radio NewslineT report number 1816 coming your way
right now.
(Billboard Cart Here)
It has been called the region's worst quake since the
1300's. Amateur radio was one of the services requested
to help in the quake's aftermath. Amateur Radio Newsline's
Heather Butera-Howell, KB3TZD, reports:
Striking on Sunday, May 20th at 4.04 am local time the
quake's epicenter was located about 35 kilometers north of
the Italian city of Bologna at a relatively shallow depth of
5 kilometers. Its intensity measured a 6.0 on the Richter
scale as it shook the nation's densely populated northeast
region. Homes, factories and some historic church steeples
were all felled by the force of the temblor.
There was a 5.8 magnitude aftershock on Tuesday, May 29th at
9 am local time in the province of Modena, about 22 miles
north-west of Bologna. This aftershock caused more buildings
to collapse across the region, leaving at least 17 people
dead, more than 350 injured, and 12 people reported missing.
Jim Linton, VK3PC, is the Chairman of the IARU Region 3
Disaster Communications Committee. He relays an IARU Region
1 report that Italian radio amateurs were called on to
responded in the wake of the disaster. According to VK3PC,
the voluntary group RNRE was requested to make several
mobile units available to respond as needed, due to the
continuing seismic activity. No H-F frequencies were in use
during the initial quake with all communications apparently
taking place on the VHF and UHF bands.
IARU Region 1 now reports that 7060 KHz is in use by IQ1HQ
which is the RNRE and IQ0TK which is the Rome Civil
Protection Department. There are also VHF links in the area
at this time. Following a request from the Italian Civil
Protection department, the RNRE have sent one mobile unit
with five radio amateurs to the affected area and two more
units are ready to go if requested.
For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Heather Butera-Howell,
KB3TZD, near Berwick, Pennsylvania.
As if this quake was not enough, another 4.3-magnitude
earthquake was registered on May 28th in Southern Italy.
The European Mediterranean Seismological Centre reports the
epicenter was located 9 kilometers west of the town of
Castrovillari. At airtime, There is no information about
any injuries or damages caused by the latest earthquake.
Hams from South Africa's Hamnet are being asked to prepare
for activation in the wake of a mining disaster in that
Carel Oberholzer, ZS3OBE, of Hamnet Northern Cape says they
are potentially in need of assistance to provide
communication support for the operation to rescue the
trapped miners or remove their remains from a diamond mine
near Kleinzee.
According to ZS3OBE, communications to Springbok which is
the nearest urban hub is problematic and Hamnet has been
requested to assist.
Oberholzer says that operators are needed to assist in
providing communications between Springbok and the Kleinzee
mine location. This is a distance of about 80 kilometers.
If activation occurs, the operation is expected to last for
two to three weeks. Hamnet will likely two person teams on
a rotational basis to man a relay point on a high point
somewhere in between the mine and the city.
Oberholzer describes the situation as fluid at this stage.
As such the Hamnet response is only in the preparation
We will have a follow-up on this story in a future Amateur
Radio Newsline report.
The numbers are in and this years Dayton Hamvention was once
again a mind blowing event with some 25,000 hams attending
to see new product launches from most of the major amateur
radio suppliers. Amateur Radio Newsline's Don Wilbanks,
AE5DW, was on scene and has more:
When Hara Arena opened its doors at 9 a.m. Eastern Daylight
Time on Friday, May 18th thousands of hams swarmed in. All
were eager to see the latest and greatest gear that
manufacturers and vendors had to offer. And they were not
Last week we covered a couple of the new radios from Kenwood
and Heiberling. This week we will take a look at what Yaesu
had to offer. In their case it was both a new HF
transceiver and a new method of digital audio for use on VHF
and UHF bands. Dennis Motschenbacher, K7BV, is Yaesu's
K7BV: "The surprise that no one knew about including me was
the FTDX-3000 which is an HF and 50 MHz 200 watt radio that
uses the fantastic receiver that we developed for the FTDX-
5000. So now for $3000 someone can have the receiver
performance of a $5000 FTDX-5000. Of coarse you don't get
the second receiver and you don't get 200 watts; you only
get 100; but there's that rig that so many people have been
waiting for."
But that was not all. For the world at 2 meters and above
Yaesu introduced its long awaited digital audio hand-held
that uses a different modulation scheme from either Icom's D-
Star or Alinco's ITU-TV.32 protocols. Again, Dennis
Motschenbacher, K7BV:
K7BV" "We have a new digital handheld that uses C4FM FFDMA
protocol and its going to be a whole new venture of digital
into amateur radio with many, many of the capabilities that
some of the other existing services can't offer. We
introduced the hand held for that today and the repeater and
the mobile will be coming later on in the year."
In simpler terms, the introduction of the new Yaesu digital
radio is kind of the ham radio equivalent of the 1970's
Betamax versus VHS clash, but this time it will be at least
3-way affair. Four ways if you count the proponents of the
P-25 protocol with recycled police and fire radios that has
an ever growing following among the technical experimenters
in the hobby.
Turning to the social aspect of Hamvention, the theme of the
2012 Hamvention was Internationally Connected with Germany's
Deutscher Amateur Radio Club having been selected as the
2012 Hamvention Club of the Year. Mitch Wolfson, DJ0QN, a
former California ham who moved to Germany more than three
decades ago was one of several DARC representatives who came
to Dayton:
DJ0QN: "Well that was quite a surprise. We were really
pleased to hear that DARA selected us as the Club of the
Year. We haven't done anything different the past couple of
years that we have done the last 40 years. We have
continued to represent Germany and also help amateur radio
in all of Europe and all of IARU Region 1. We did a lot of
work into making sure that we supported amateur radio in
Germany by supporting it against issues like RFI problems
that have been caused by new devices such as PLC and have
done a lot of work in that area."
Also on hand for this year's international event were
representatives of the Japan Amateur Radio League, the Qatar
Amateur Radio Society and the Radio Society of Great
Britain. In addition, some of the leaders of the
International Amateur Radio Union were on hand. This
included IARU President Tim Ellam, VE6SH, Vice President
Ole Garpestad, LA2RR, and Secretary Rod Stafford, W6ROD.
They were there to meet and greet visitors. All of the
international societies were located in the ARRL EXPO in the
Ballarena Hall that also housed more than 20 exhibits
staffed by ARRL representatives. Among the new ARRL booths
for 2012 was an exhibit introducing the digital edition of
QST magazine.
We wish we had more time to tell you about Hamvention 2012,.
But there are other stories we have to cover. So for now,
I'm Don Wilbanks, AE5DW, in Southern Mississippi, for the
Amateur Radio Newsline.
For a visual highlight tour of Hamvention 2012 we suggest
that you visit twit.tv/hn and watch Episode 49 of Bob Heil's
show Ham Nation called the Dayton Experience. Also there
are two new Hamvention 2012 music videos on You Tube
produced by kit building expert Joe Eisenberg, K0NEB. One
is called Hamvention 2012 "Band On The Run" and the other
is titled Hamvention 2012 "Gimme Dat Ding." To find them
just put the word joehusker into the search YouTube search
line. We think you will enjoy them both. (ARNewsline,
RSGB, others)
From the United States of America, We are the Amateur Radio
Newsline, heard on bulletin stations around the world
including the WM7K repeater serving Grants Pass, Oregon.
(5 sec pause here)
As we mentioned briefly last week, one of the biggest
surprises to come out of Hamvention 2012 was an announcement
that Icom and the Boy Scouts of America are joining forces
to give scouts a new and exciting access point to ham radio.
Amateur Radio Newsline's Mark Abramovich, NT3V, is here with
some more information on this new alliance:
While some might say the new partnership between Icom and
the BSA is historic, the key players who hammered out the
deal simply say it was a natural progression that will
expose tens of thousands of Scouts and their leaders to the
fun, the excitement and the challenges found in amateur
Jim Wilson, K5ND, who coordinates the annual Jamboree on the
Air for the Boy Scouts of America each October, was
introduced to Ray Novak, N9JA, division manager for amateur
and receiver products at Icom America in Seattle, by a past
staff member at the K2BSA operations at the national Boy
Scouts Jamboree.
Wilson, who is coordinating the K2BSA operations for the
2013 BSA jamboree at The Summit in West Virginia, says he
was initially looking for a commitment on equipment which
Icom has been loaning the jamboree operations over the
years. But Wilson had a different idea this time...
"Donate the equipment, don't loan it to us, but donate it to
the jamboree and after the jamboree, we'll move it to local
councils so they can put it to use and it'll be in use year-
round," Wilson says.
Wilson says his dialogue with Novak explored other areas
where the BSA and amateur radio are in sync - such as Radio
merit badge and Jamboree on the Air.
From that came the proposal from Icom's Novak to put HF
radios, microphones and an antenna, in the hands of the BSA
in the form of "loaner kits" to send out to Scout councils
across the country.
"One is a long-range loan of up to 12 months that a Scout
council can put in place while they're developing donations
to support a longer term station," Wilson says. "But, give
them a station that they can show how it works, they can get
the Scouts excited, they can get local donors excited.
"And, then another type of loan station - which we're
calling an event loan station. So, if you've got a Radio
Merit Badge workshop where you'd like to put in place one of
these stations, you can apply and we'll get it in the queue,
see if it works out and get a station out there for a week
or two weeks or what have you."
Novak, who has been helping set up equipment needs for the
past few national jamboree operations at Fort AP Hill in
Virginia, says he didn't want to wait a year for the next
jamboree to get gear into the hands of Scouts and leaders
for special events like JOTA or camporee demos or Radio
merit badge workshops.
"I'm not as concerned about the Boy Scouts getting licensed
as I am with them seeing that amateur radio is actually a
fun thing and they take home with them and share with their
parents and others what fun they had talking into a
microphone and transmitting thousands of miles away to talk
to another Boy Scout or another youth the same age instead
of sitting there and texting," Novak says.
The BSA's Wilson says he confided in Novak his vision for
the new Scout jamboree location in West Virginia and the
idea of eventually establishing a permanent footprint for
amateur radio there. That turned into something Wilson
described as unexpected - an offer of repeaters for the
"A 2-meter repeater and 2, 70 centimeter repeaters," Wilson
says of the Icom offer. "The 2-meter and 70 centimeter will
be analog and we'll have a D-Star repeater also at 70
And, Novak says there is more, much more being worked out
for HF, VHF, EchoLink, Foxhunting, and antennas for the
K2BSA operations and Radio merit badge for the 2013
"Right now we're at just the very beginning of working out
all the details and luckily we've got about a full year
before we really need to have everything in place for the
Summit and the jamboree," Novak says. "But that one year
will go fast."
Wilson, who is excited to see this vision unfolding for the
BSA and amateur radio, says it wouldn't have been possible
without the people at the local Scout councils who have
contributed to a seven-fold increase in the number of Radio
merit badges earned by Scouts in recent years.
And, some of those Scouts, he says, are going on to the next
level - thanks to the interest spurred by the merit badge...
"There are some committed Scouters and amateur radio
operators putting in place merit badge workshops, offering
Jamboree on the Air experiences, getting youth engaged in
amateur radio and then they're going on and earning their
Radio merit badge," Wilson says. "And,
I'll bet a fair percent of those are going on and earning
their Technician licenses."
For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Mark Abramowicz, NT3V,
in Philadelphia.
All things considered, the agreement between the Boy Scouts
of America and Icom could easily lead to a lot of new young
voices on the air and that would be very good news for all
of amateur radio. Also it begs the obvious question of
whether or not it will lead to similar agreements between
other equipment suppliers and youth groups here in the
United States or possibly elsewhere in the world. On this
one only time will tell. (ARNewsline, NT3V)
Good news for Ohio hams. They now have P R B One-like
antenna protection. Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF, is in the
Newsroom with more:
Ohio hams now have antenna and support structure assurance.
On May 15, Ohio Governor John Kasich signed a bill, granting
comprehensive protections and rights to amateur radio
operators in that state.
HB 158 codifies the federal restrictions on the local zoning
of amateur station antenna structures, thereby preserving
Amateur Radio Service communications as a Homeland Security
resource. It also places the burden of proof for compliance
on the zoning authority.
The new law states that: "Any legislative authority that
denies an application for approval of an amateur station
antenna structure shall state the reasons for the denial and
shall, on appeal, bear the burden of proving that the
authority's actions are consistent with this section."
For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF,
in the newsroom in Los Angeles.
This language of the new Ohio law removes the burden of
proof from the amateur radio operator and places it on the
legislative authority. And that's very good news for hams
living in the Buckeye State. (ARRL)
New FCC Commissioners Jessica Rosenworcel and Ajit Pai have
been sworn-in and have officially begun their work.
Rosenworcel, a Democrat, takes the seat held by former
Commissioner Michael Copps. Pai, a former Senate staffer as
well who most recently worked at Jenner & Block, is a
Republican who takes the seat vacated last spring by former
Commissioner Meredith Baker.
Pai has already announced his personnel with Matthew Berry
as his chief of staff. In the past Berry has been the FCC's
general counsel. He was most recently at the law firm of
Patton Boggs.
Gene Fullano has been named acting legal advisor for
Commissioner Pai. He was most recently associate chief of
the FCC's Public Safety & Homeland Security Bureau. (RW)
The Genachowski lead FCC is losing another bureau chief.
This with word that Rick Kaplan is stepping down as chief of
the regulatory agency's Wireless Telecommunications Bureau.
Kaplan has been at the FCC since 2009, working in several
posts. This included a stint as Chief of Staff to
Commissioner Mignon Clyburn.
According to a report from Radio World, Ruth Milkman, who
preceded Kaplan as chief, will return to the bureau in that
role after a year as special counsel to the chairman for
Innovation in Government.
The changes are effective in mid-June. (RW)
This is ham radio news for today's radio amateur. From the
United States of America, We are the Amateur Radio Newsline
with links to the world from our only official website at
www.arnewsline.org and being relayed by the volunteer
services of the following radio amateur:
(5 sec pause here)
Tampa Bay Online reports that having too many CB radios
connected to one power source likely sparked a fire. One
that caused tens of thousands of dollars of damage at a St.
Petersburg, Florida home.
Fire investigators think the blaze was started by too many
citizens band radios connected to an overloaded extension
cord. Damage is estimated at $35,000 to $50,000.
The owner of the home told the newspaper that he and his
family were watching television when the fire started. They
evacuated and no one was injured. The Red Cross helped the
family find temporary lodging.
And less we forget, investigators say that the home where
the fire occurred reportedly had no working smoke detectors.
More is on-line at tinyurl.com/cb-house-fire. (KB5TJI)
The BBC reports that a suspicious electronic device
triggered a bomb alert in the city of Surrey. According to
the news agency, the device was found after reports of
suspicious activity near the Maultway, Camberley at about
10:00 British Standard Time on Monday, the 21st.
Following examination by army bomb disposal experts Surrey
police issued a statement saying that the unit turned out to
be a pirate radio F.M broadcast transmitter or repeater for
a citizen or pirate band radio station. You can read the
entire story on-line at tinyurl.com/cb-bomb-scare. (BBC)
21 Things to Do After You Get Your Amateur Radio License is
a new book by Daniel M Romanchik, KB6NU, that is now
available for electronic reading on the Kindle and Nook.
Written for the new ham or those amateurs who have not
really been all that active late, its 21 chapters cover just
about every aspect of the hobby as it is today. Included
are such topics as how to locate an Elmer, how to buy a
radio, set up a shack and much more. Also covered are the
social aspects of the hobby including participation in
clubs, hamfests and the like. The Kindle edition priced
under three dollars is available from amazon.com.
Some names in the news. Rick Hilding, K6VVA, has announced
that his Northern Latitudes Islands on the Air DXpedition
has been rescheduled for July of 2013. This in the hope of
gaining better propagation during that time period.
As explained in his announcement, the far Northern Latitude
has additional propagation factor complications. So in
evaluating the total picture, a pause was deemed necessary
to maximize possibilities for all Islands on the Air chasers
to make contacts. You can follow planning progress on-line
at www.k6vva.com/iota/na172 (K6VVA)
A big treat for a United Kingdom ham as William Williams,
GW8TGS , had the honor of being the Olympic Torchbearer as
part of the team carrying the flame through the city of
Williams turn came on May 27th starting at around 18.14 GMT
and arriving at Vicarage Fields half an hour later.
Having taken part in several charity runs and raising over
15,000 Pounds for charities, GW8TGS was nominated by the
Rotary Club of Aberystwyth for his fund raising and his
other voluntary work.
Williams says he feels honored have taken part in this once-
in-a-lifetime event. (GB2RS, Southgate)
Of the nine Section Manager elections this spring, two were
decided by member voting. Ballots were counted on May 22nd
at ARRL Headquarters.
The incumbent Indiana Section Manager, John Poindexter, W3ML
decided not to run for a new term of office. Two radio
amateurs vied for the open position, with Lou Everett Sr,
WA5LOU, being declared the winner with 596 votes. His
opponent Brian Jenks, W9BGJ, received 429 votes.
In Northern Florida, incumbent Section Manager Paul Eakin,
KJ4G, was re-elected with 627 votes. His opponent Gary
Alberstadt, KA3FZO, received 434 votes. Eakin has served as
Section Manager since 2008.
California's Santa Clara Valley will also have a new Section
Manager with Brandon Bianchi, NI6C, taking over from Phil
Steffora, K6TT, who decided not to run for a new term of
office. Bianchi is currently serving as an Assistant
Section Manager and did not face an opponent for the Section
Manager position.
All other incumbent ARRL Section Managers running for re-
election did not face opposition and were declared elected
for their next terms of office beginning this July 1st.
This is ham radio news for today's radio amateur. From the
United States of America, We are the Amateur Radio Newsline
with links to the world from our only official website at
www.arnewsline.org and being relayed by the volunteer
services of the following radio amateur:
(5 sec pause here)
Pavel Costa, CO7WT, says that following both a national
debate followed by legal avenues that the government of Cuba
has approved the use of new digital modes for all Cuban
radio amateurs. With this regulatory change Cuban hams are
now permitted use of Domino, Contestia, Olivia, M-F-S-K, J-T-
65, and almost all variants of PSK. More important says
CO7WT, this approval has set up a mechanism to apply for
other new digital modes by any Cuban hams. Previous
legislation restricted Cuban radio amateurs early digital
modes such as to PSK31, QPSK31, AMTOR, PACKET and RTTY.
The Radio Society of Great Britain has offered a formal
response in support telecommunication regulator Ofcom's
inquiry on proposed new anti-interference regulations. Laws
to provide the telecommunications regulator with powers to
take action in cases of interference from non-wireless
telecommunications apparatus.
The RSGB says that while the immediate proposal is to
implement the new regulations in time for the upcoming
Olympic Games. It adds that this action by Ofcom highlights
the point that the RSGB has advocated on many occasions.
That being the need for Ofcom to have statutory powers in
cases of serious interference to the spectrum from non-
wireless apparatus.
Ofcom has indicated that it intends to prepare these
regulations for ongoing use after the Olympic Games. Part
of the RSGB response emphasizes the need for such regulatory
enforcement powers. (RSGB)
Hams world-wide are being asked to monitor for Japan's HORYU-
2 satellites Morse code beacon and 1200-baud AX.25 packet
telemetry at 437.375 MHz.
Japan's HORYU-2 is a research satellite was launched May
17th as part of a mission that also included the JAXA
climate observation satellite Shizuku.
HORYU-2 was built by students at the Kyushu Institute of
Technology and identifies using the call sign JG6YBW.
Telemetry decoding software is available for download at
tinyurl.com/horyu-software. This is an executable program
so you might want to be certain that it will run on your
computer before installing it.
More about the Horyu satellite itself is on-line at
tinyurl.com/horyu-sat. (ARRL, AMSAT)
The AMSAT North America Board of Directors has announced
that the organization was a partner in a pair of Phase-2
NASA Edison Program proposals that were successfully
submitted on Tuesday May 22nd. Due to the highly
competitive nature of this program, no additional
information can be released at this time. However, if
selected, these proposals would provide AMSAT and its
partners with the funds to construct and launch new amateur
radio satellites. NASA intends to announce the winning
proposals in the Fall of 2012. (ANS)
A new United-Kingdom based trans-Atlantic beacon is coming
to the 2 meter band. Located at Lough Navar Forest in
Northern Ireland at a height of 1145 feet above average
terrain, the GB3WGI beacon will have a clear take off over
the sea toward North America. The system will radiate on
144.487MHz initially with an Effective Radiated Power 100
Watts relative to a dipole, with plans to increase this if
licensing allows.
This new propagation beacon is being made possible thanks to
the generous donation of a transmitter by Brian Justin,
WA1ZMS, the man behind the US 70MHz beacon, and United
Kingdom Notice of Variation holder, Gordon Curry GI6ATZ who
is providing the site and site services. No date has been
announced for the installation of the beacon, but plans are
well under way.
The Notice of Variation is the U-K equivalent to a United
States Special Temporary Authority. It was issued by
telecommunications regulator Ofcom on May 18th. (G4BAO)
In DX, UA4WHX, who just went QRT as JY8VB has been spotted
with the Palestinian call E40VB on 12 meters. Details of
the stay are not known. QSL via home call.
OH2PM will be operating as TC2X from Istanbul at TA2KN which
is the Turkish Scouting and Guiding Federation Club station
in Umraniye. QSL this operation via OH2BH.
ZL3CW is working as TX5CW from Noumea, French Caledonia.
QSL via his home call as well.
The special event station 8N1TDU is active from Japan's
Tokyo Denki University Campus until December 31. QSL this
one as directed on the air.
Lastly, HA1ZH is active in all modes and on all bands until
December 31st. This on the occasion of his 50th jubilee as
a ham QSL information is at www.ha1zh.hu
(Above from various DX news sources
And finally this week, word of a major efficiency
breakthrough in the field of renewable energy from the sun.
Heres WIA Newsman Graham Kemp, VK4BB, with the details:
The world's most successful solar cell breaks the 20%
Aussie researchers teamed with Sun-tech Power to create
Pluto Technology. The solar cells reached a production
capacity last year of 0.5 gigawatts, worth more than 1
billion US dollars a year. This is enough to power 300,000
average homes that typically have eight solar panels on them
for at least 25 years.
The Pluto Technology won a 2012 Collaborative Innovation
Award Wednesday night at the Cooperative Research Centers
Association conference in Adelaide.
For the Amateur radio Newsline, I'm Graham Kemp, VK4BB, of
the WIA News in Australia.
Don't get your hopes up yet to replace your mains powered
ham gear with these new solar cells. Further research and
marketing is needed to make them a world-wide everyday home
power source. (WIA News)
With thanks to Alan Labs, AMSAT, the ARRL, the CGC
Communicator, CQ Magazine, the FCC, the Ohio Penn DX
Bulletin, Radio Netherlands, Rain, the RSGB, the Southgate
News and Australia's W-I-A News, that's all from the Amateur
Radio NewslineT. Our e-mail address is newsline(at)
arnewsline (dot) org. More information is available at
Amateur Radio Newsline'sT only official website located at
www.arnewsline.org. You can also write to us or support us
at Amateur Radio NewslineT, 28197 Robin Avenue, Santa
Clarita California, 91350
Before we go a quick note that the nominating period for the
2012 Amateur Radio Newsline Young Ham of the Year Award
closed at midnight on May 30th. Over the coming days the
submissions will be sent to the judging committee and a
winner will be announced in a few weeks.
For now, with Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF, at the editors desk,
I'm Fred Vobbe, W9HDU, in Lima, Ohio, saying 73 and we thank
you for listening.
Amateur Radio NewslineT is Copyright 2012. All rights
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