Friday, July 5, 2013

Amateur Radio Newsline Report 1873 - July 5 2013

Amateur Radio Newsline report number 1873 with a release
date of July 5 2013 to follow in 5-4-3-2-1.

The following is a QST.  Ham radio responds to disasters in
India and the Philippines; an emergency communications drill
in Los Angeles assumes that the wired infrastructure has
broken down; spectrum changes coming in the USA, the UK and
Australia; a new sun watching satellite will aid in
propagation forecasting and a Canadian teen creates the
worlds first human heat powered flashlight.  Find out how
she did it on Amateur Radio NewslineT report number 1873
coming your way right now.

(Billboard Cart Here)



Hams in India have again responded as flooding hits that
nation.  Jeremy Boot, G4NJH, reports:


The recent severe flooding in northern India has resulted in
communication links being affected when they are most

Members of the Indian National Institute of Amateur Radio,
Hyderabad, have been providing emergency communication
facilities in the worst-affected areas of Uttarakhand state,
North India. Reported operating frequencies include 7.073
and 14.160 kHz and callsigns in use include VU2JOS, VU2MCW,

As usual, all amateurs are urged to give priority to
emergency communications regardless of any other activities
on the bands.

For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Jeremy Boot, G4NJH, in
Nottingham in the U.K..


More on this situation as information becomes available.



Hams in the Philippines were ready when yet another tropical
storm came their way.  Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF, in the
newsroom with what we know so far:


The Philippine Amateur Radio Association activated its
Emergency Net last week in anticipation of tropical
storm Gorio.  At the time the typhoon was crossing the
Eastern Visayas Region in the general direction of the Bicol
area located at the southernmost tip of Luzon Island.

The Philippine Amateur Radio Association spokesman is Ramon
Anquilan DU1UGZ.  He was quoted as saying that members of
the Ham Emergency Radio Operations or HERO group are using
7.095 MHZ as an emergency calling frequency.  As such the
national society was requesting neighboring ham radio
operators assist by staying clear of the frequency until the
emergency net is was closed down.

For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF,
in Los Angeles.


The latest information on this severe weather event is on-
line at the Philippine Amateur Radio Association website.
Its in cyberspace at  (PARA)



An interesting emergency communications drill on the United
States West coast.  This as members of California's Los
Angeles County Disaster Communications Service met at its
Temple Station on June 24th to practice sending data but
doing so without the use of the internet and without the use
of any infrastructure.

Deputy Hector Figueroa, KE6VRL, is the Temple Station
Systems Administrator for Communications.  He says that
communications was accomplished via the use of the Amateur
Radio Service and the Narrow Band Emergency Messaging
Software.  This software is capable of running on various
computing platforms and operating systems making it easy to
implement especially in a disaster.   Figueroa says that
most of the Disaster Communications Service volunteers were
able to install and use the system in less than an hour's

Most used battery power for their computers and battery
powered radios to send messages during the training.  These
consisted of message types used in the national Incident
Command System to request support, report damage, and
provide health and welfare traffic.

Members of the City of Rosemead staff also participated in
the demonstration and training while volunteers from San
Dimas, Temple City and Pasadena were on hand to  practice
and gain valuable experience.  More information is on line
at  (Los Angeles County Disaster
Communications Service)



The FCC has adopted a Report and Order that will increase
the Nation's supply of spectrum for flexible use services,
including mobile broadband.  This by opening 10 megahertz of
spectrum in the bands 1915 to 1920 MHz and 1995 to 2000 MHz
also known as the H Block for commercial licensing.

According to its June 27th Report and order on WT Docket 12-
357 the FCC says that by enabling 10 megahertz of spectrum
to be used for mobile broadband the Commission's efforts to
ensure that the Nation's wireless networks have the
capacity, speed and ubiquity to keep pace with consumers'
expectations and ever rising demand for mobile services.
The FCC also calls it a step towards meeting its obligation
under the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of
2012 to license 65 megahertz, including the 10 megahertz in
the H Block.  This, by February of 2015.  (FCC)



British telecommunications regulator Ofcom has published a
statement setting out its decision to release the 870 to 876
and 915 to 921 MHz spectrum bands on a license exempt basis.
The released spectrum will be used by Short Range Devices
and Radio Frequency Identification.  A further rule making
procedure on the technical details of the license exemption
will follow this fall.

Meantime, the adoption of 915 of 921 MHz by the pan-European
CEPT agreement is said to be possible.  If it were to happen
it would create the only license exempt spectrum between 41
and 2400 MHz that is available world-wide.  Other license
exempt frequency bands for Short Range Devices and Radio
Frequency Identification are only available on a regional or
nation wide basis only.  (Southgate, Ofcom)



The second attempt by Australian authorities to sell some
prime spectrum in the 700 MHz band for use in expanding
broadband is meeting with opposition from those who say its
needed for public safety communications.  Graham Kemp,
VK4BB, of the WIA News has the details:


The (Australian) federal government is resisting calls to
reserve highly sought-after  mobile phone spectrum for use
by police and emergency services, in fact they  have
released a proposal suggesting it hopes to pull in more than
 $900 million from the sale of spectrum it could not sell
earlier this year.

The office of Victoria's Premier Denis Napthine accused
federal Labor of  "effectively selling community safety" to
fix an ailing budget, while the  Police Federation of
Australia renewed calls for the government to earmark  the
spectrum in case it is needed by law enforcement during
terrorist strikes  and natural disasters.

Previous Communications Minister Stephen Conroy issued draft
directions for the Australian Communications and Media
Authority to decide by September 1 on the "appropriate
procedures" for allocating the unsold spectrum and said
access charges would have to be at the same reserve price
that failed to attract bidders during the first auction.

A 30 megahertz block of the most sought-after 700MHz band of
the spectrum the "waterfront property" of the cell phone
industry was unsold and the government last month said the
intention was that it would "be returned to the market for
sale at a later date".

For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Graham Kemp, VK4BB, of
the WIA News in Australia.


The Australian government feels confident that it can
attract bidders but based on the last attempt to divest
itself of this spectrum, it could turn out to be a hard
sell.  (WIA News)



The Independent Communications Authority of South Africa has
informed the South African Radio League that it has now
analyzed all payments for that nations amateur service
licenses.  It says that in 2012 some 209 radio amateurs paid
the proper fee for a five year license but failed to notify
the regulatory service of that fact when payment was made.
This year there were an additional 34.

To rectify the situation the regulatory agency says that it
plans on mailing five year licenses to these hams which will
be valid until 2017 and 2018 respectively.

On a more negative note, ICASA says that the same inquiry
revealed that 823 South African radio amateurs did not renew
their licenses.  As such, these licenses will be cancelled
and the regulatory agency says that it will make
arrangements for the urgent sealing or confiscation of the
equipment if payment is not made immediately.

The South African Radio League in urging hams in that nation
to check their payment records to make certain that they
have renewed their licenses.  If not that they should do so
without any further delay.   (ICASA, SARL)



From the United States of America, We are the Amateur Radio
Newsline, heard on bulletin stations around the world
including the K9OQO repeater serving Appleton, Wisconsin.

(5 sec pause here)



The FCC has issued a $30,000 Notice of Apparent liability to
Remel, Inc. and its corporate parent, Thermo Fisher
Scientific, Inc.  This for allegedly unlawful operation of
radio frequency devices on a General Mobile Radio Service
frequency for more than nine years without Commission
authority.  Amateur Radio Newsline's Jeff Clark, K8JAC,


On June 21, 2012, Thermo Fisher filed an application for a
new Public Land Mobile Radio Service license with the
Commission's Wireless Telecommunications Bureau. A few weeks
later July 2, 2012, Thermo Fisher filed a request for
Special Temporary Authority to permit the operation of
certain handheld radio transmitting equipment pending the
grant of its Public Land Mobile Radio Service.  In its S-T-A
Request, Thermo Fisher indicated that its handheld radios
were used in connection with manufacturing certain products
used by the Center for Disease Control and other health care
facilities.  It also stated that the radios were "an
essential communications link" for its factory operations
and for the safety and security of its personnel.  At the
time, Thermo Fisher further indicated that it had operated
the handheld radio transmitters for a number of years and
that it discontinued their operation on June 14th, 2012, as
soon as it became aware that the radios were not properly

The STA was granted on July 9, 2012 under call sign WQPN622.
Thermo Fisher's application for a new Public Land Mobile
Radio Service license was granted on August 30, 2012 under
call sign WQPW523.

Because it appeared that Thermo Fisher had operated its
handheld radio transmitting equipment without authorization,
the Wireless Bureau referred this matter to the Enforcement
Bureau for investigation and possible enforcement action.
On January 30, 2013, the Enforcement Bureau's Spectrum
Enforcement Division issued a letter of inquiry to Thermo
Fisher, directing the company to submit a response to a
series of questions relating to the unauthorized operation
of the radio transmitting equipment.  Thermo Fisher
responded on February 27, 2013 and indicated that Remel
began operating the radio transmitting equipment in
approximately October 2002.

Now, in issuing the $30,000 NAL, the FCC notes that the
companies admit that they operated their radio transmitting
equipment without Commission authorization since
approximately October 2002 and continued for more than nine
years, until June 14, 2012.  As such the Commission finds
that the companies apparently violated Section 301 of the
Communications Act and Sections 1.903(a) and 95.3 of the
agency's Rules by failing to obtain Commission authority to
operate their radio transmitting equipment.  Therefore based
on the information before it the agency says that a $30,000
fine is warranted in this case.

For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Jeff Clark, K8JAC.


Remel, Inc. and Thermo Fisher Scientific were given the
customary thirty days to pay the proposed fine or to file an
appeal.  (FCC)



The owner of an unlicensed radio station in Marion County
Florida and an employee were taken into custody Tuesday,
June 25th by federal authorities and Ocala, Florida
sheriff's deputies.  This following a tip about the illegal
operation filed by a radio engineer from a local broadcast

In early April, the Federal Communication Commission
received information that a radio station on 97.7 FM, was
operating without a license.  FCC agents came to the area
and T-hunted the station to a location in the city of
Summerfield.  They went to the property, where they saw a
double-wide mobile home and a single-wide mobile home with a
radio tower behind it.  The station was playing Mexican
music and advertising Hispanic businesses in the area.  No
one was home, so the agents left a warning notice and

However, the Property Crimes Unit of the Marion County
Sheriff's Office began listening to the radio station.  They
also observed people entering and leaving the property.

Authorities requested a search warrant, which was granted
Tuesday, June 25th leading to a raid on the unlicensed
broadcast facility.  At that time Luis Alfredo Galindo and
Juan Ramon Nieves were arrested and taken to a Sheriff's
Office substation for an interview.

Nieves said he was the owner of the station, for which he
did not have a license but which he admitted had been in
existence for about a year.  He was charged under a Florida
statute with operating an unlicensed radio station and was
taken to the Marion County Jail.  He has since been released
on $5,000 bond.

Galindo claimed to be employed by Nieves.  He was charged
with making unauthorized radio transmissions and interfering
with a radio station.  He was remanded to jail in lieu of
$5000 bail and at airtime it's not known if he is still in
custody.   (RW, Other news reports)


While it may seem hard to believe, two of the nations top
communications industries are acting like hams did some
forty years ago.  This in relation to the use of spectrum
when rules get changed to permit broadband more access to
the airwaves.  Amateur Radio Newsline's Skeeter Nash, N5ASH,
takes a look as history seems ready to repeat itself, but
this time with billions of dollars at stake:


Shades of two meter frequency coordination in-fighting some
four decades ago.  This as the National Association of
Broadcasters has told the FCC that it cannot reasonably
employ a variable band plan for the post-incentive auction
600 MHz band.  This, if it includes broadcasters and
wireless carriers on co-channels and adjacent channels in
neighboring markets.

Soon after the FCC released its post auction plan which
intermixes broadcast and wireless operators, broadcasters
and some major wireless carriers teamed up to oppose it.
Both said that it would cause mutual interference or reduce
the amount of usable spectrum the FCC could recover.

But the FCC counters by stating that this concept is the
only one that will allow it flexibility to recover varying
amounts of bandspace in different markets.

And in another shade of ham radios bandplan fighting of the
past, the National Association of Broadcasters has countered
with its own so-called "Down From 51 Reversed" plan.  This
is kind of like the 2 meter inverted tertiary splits adopted
decades ago by Southern California and a few other places
that reverses the inter system uplink and downlink, but on a
much broader basis.

For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Skeeter Nash, N5ASH


The FCC is seeking comments on its original plan and others
including the National Association of Broadcasters "Down
From 51 Reversed" plan, but nobody is really happy with any
form of sharing.  In its recently comments the NAB said that
none of the other plans adequately address the interference
issue, but that the lesser of the evils would be the "Down
from 51 Reversed" plan.  Kind of reminds you of the past,
doesn't it.  (Published news reports)



There will be no EMCOMMWEST ham radio convention in 2013.
So says the Board of Directors in a front page posting to
the events website.

According to the post, the board has been discussing the
options for and fate of EMCOMMWEST 2013.  It says that there
have been many changes in the volunteer workforce during the
past 12 months.  This coupled with the small period of time
between now and the traditional date of the event has led
the Board to decide to forgo 2013.

The Board goes on to say that circumstances leading to this
decision include the loss of several key volunteers; the
continued inability to draw the major vendors and
manufacturers to the show and the fact that little has been
accomplished to make measurable progress toward event
production for this year.  It goes on to say that if there
is to be an EMCOMMWEST in 2014 it may require a local club
to take the helm and provide the much-needed volunteer base
for the event.

EMCOMMWEST began in 1999 when a group of Northern Nevada
amateur radio operators interested in improving emergency
communications hosted the very first symposium that lead to
the convention as it is today.  More is on-line at  (EMCOMMWEST.ORG website)



Ron Moorefield, W8ILC, who just returned from this years
European Ham Radio Convention in Friedrichshafen, Germany
estimates that around 14,000 or so hams attended this years

Moorefield was there with a contingent representing the
Dayton Amateur Radio Association which of coarse sponsors
the annual Dayton Hamvention.  While at Ham Radio, the
Dayton group live streamed the three day event back to the
United States and also recorded it for anyone to watch at a
later date.  The files have now been posted and you can see
this years European amateur radio highlight at

But one suggestion.  If you plan to watch all the video at
once that the folks from Dayton sent back, you might want to
make a big bowl of popcorn and have some cold drinks handy.
That's because there is a lot there to see.

Ham Radio 2013 was held June 28th to the 30th at the
convention facility not far from the picturesque shores on
Lake Constance in southern Germany not far from the borders
with Switzerland and Austria.  (W8ILC)



And speaking about Europe's Ham Radio exposition, you can
find out more about its inner workings in a new video
produced by Gary Pearce, KN4AQ.

In a one on two interview with show planner Petra
Rothgerber who runs Ham Radio and Kelly Hall, K1LLY, the
Dayton Hamvention's Co-chair of International Relations you
can find out the two conventions differ in their planning
and execution.

It should be noted that Petra Rothgerber is not a radio
amateur.  By profession she runs trade shows.  As such she
explains the way in which Ham Radio is a professionally
managed event.  By contrast, the Dayton Hamvention is an
event that's run by a dedicated corps of volunteers.  So
listening to the two talk and compare notes is an
interesting experience to say the least.

KN4AQ has titled this show Europe's Biggest Hamfest.  It's
Episode 84 of his Ham Radio Now series that can be viewed on-
line at  (ARVIDEONEWS)



And less we forget, this weeks RAIN Report will feature an
interview with 2013 Amateur Radio Newsline Young ham of the
year Padraig Lysandrou, KC9UUS, conducted by reporter Mark
Abramovich NT3V.  Its all on-line right now at  We hope that you will listen in.



This is ham radio news for today's radio amateur.  From the
United States of America, We are the Amateur Radio Newsline
with links to the world from our only official website at and being relayed by the volunteer
services of the following radio amateur:

(5 sec pause here)



If you are interested in adventure then this is for toy.
The 2013 Australian Bogong High Plains Winter Trip will take
place from August 5th to 9th.  Amateur Radio Newsline's
Stephan Kinford, N8WB, has the cool details:


Yes that's right.  We said winter because in the Southern
Hemisphere it is the their winter season as a team of radio
amateurs and their friends will be heading out across the
snowy wilderness to ski through some of Australia's most
stunning alpine landscapes.

The group will be led by VK3GT, VK3FMAW and VK3SN and will
venture up onto mountain plateaus which sit well over 1800
meters above sea level.

Using ultra light solar powered gear, these back country
skiers will be active on 40 meters each afternoon and 80
meters every evening their local time.  Other High Frequency
bands will be activated according to conditions.  And if you
happen to live in Australia, contacts will also be available
over the north-eastern Victoria state 2 meter and 70
centimeter repeaters each day as well.

So if you want to hear and possibly contact this down-under
trekking adventure, keep an ear on 40 and 80 meters for a
signal that will likely be just above the noise.  Who knows:
Maybe you will be one of the lucky ones to make contact.

For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Stephen Kinford, N8WB,
in rather warm Wadsworth, Ohio.


More about this Australian winter ham radio adventure is on-
line at  (VK3SN, WIA)



Friday, June 5th marked the 50th anniversary of a radio
station whose sole purpose is to keep the nation on time.
Of coarse we are talking about WWVB, the sister station of
WWV that sends out a time-precise signal every night that
many clocks and wristwatches across the U.S. use to make
sure they have the correct time.

WWVB went on the air on July 5, 1963.  It broadcast with
7 kilowatts of Effective Reradiated Power signal on a
frequency of precisely 60 kHz.  Since then it has become the
standard relied upon for accuracy in automated time keeping.

Now, an interesting article on the stations half century of
service along with a possible projection of its future has
been written by author Joe Hanson for the on-line
publication Wired at  (RW, WIRED)



Turning to space related news, word that NASA has launched a
satellite on a two year mission to explore a little-studied
region of the sun.  The new bird will help to better
understand and forecast space weather that can disrupt
communications systems on Earth.  Amateur Radio Newsline's
Heather Embee, KB3TZD, reports:


Unlike a traditional liftoff, the Iris sun-observing
satellite rode into Earth orbit late Thursday, June 27th on
board an Orbital Sciences Corporation Pegasus rocket.  This
is a booster that is released from a modified Lockheed L-
1011 jet aircraft that carries it to a launch altitude.  In
this case the launch carrier took off around sunset from the
Vandenberg Air Force Base on California's central coast.  At
an altitude of 39,000 feet it released the Pegasus booster
which ignited its engine for the 13-minute climb to space.

Shortly thereafter NASA confirmed that Iris had successfully
reached its intended orbit and that it had received
confirmation that the satellite deployed its solar panels
and was generating power.

The 7-foot-long Iris, weighing 400 pounds, carries an
ultraviolet telescope that can take high-resolution images
every few seconds.  Unlike NASA's Solar Dynamics
Observatory, which observes the entire sun, Iris will focus
on a little-explored region that lies between the surface
and the corona.  That's the glowing white ring that's
visible during eclipses.

Iris is being managed by the space agency's Goddard Space
Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland.  Its ultimate goal is
to learn more about how this region of the sun drives solar
wind and to better predict how space weather can cause
disruptions to communications here on Earth.  The latter is
something very near and dear to ham radio operators, world-

For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Heather Embee, KB3TZD,
in Berwick, Pennsylvania.


As a historical note the first successful Pegasus launch
occurred on April 5, 1990 with NASA test pilot and former
astronaut Gordon Fullerton in command of the carrier
aircraft. Video coverage of the June 27th Iris launch is on-
line at
(NASA, others)



The 2013 AMSAT-UK International Space Colloquium will be
held late Friday, July 19th through Sunday, July 21st at the
Holiday Inn, Guildford, England.

It is anticipated that both the FUNcube-1 and FUNcube-2
missions will be launched later this year.  As such the
FUNcube team will be on hand to talk about the missions and
its planned educational outreach. A demonstration of the
Engineering Model, which has been performing flawlessly for
almost a year, will also be provided.

The Space Colloquium will be preceded by a "Hands-On"
CubeSat Workshop. This free workshop will take place at the
nearby University of Surrey earlier in the day, also on
Friday, July 19.

Further details on both events and hotel booking information
is on the web at  (AMSAT-UK)



In radiosports news, some new rules are coming to the CQ
World Wide VHF Contest.  In order to be considered for an
award, your log must be received by the robot or postmarked
no later than 23:59 UTC on August 4th.  Logs received after
that date will still be listed in the results but will not
be eligible for award status.

The 2013 CQ World-Wide VHF Contest starts at 1800 UTC on
Saturday July 20th and concludes at 2100 UTC on Sunday July
21st.  Extensions may be granted by the director for a valid
reason if you contact that person before the deadline.  A
detailed set of rules can be found beginning on page 56 of
the June 2013 issue of CQ Magazine.  (CQ)



In DX, EA5RM will be active from Bolivia until July 19th as
CP1XRM.  What makes this operation unique is that he will be
on the High Frequency bands using a 100 watt solar powered
station to a vertical antenna. QSL via his home call.

WU2D will be on the air from San Felix Island July 8th to
the 13th signing CE0X stroke WU2D.  He will be active on 20,
17 and 15 m mainly using SSB.  CE0X is the call issued to
the Southern Cross DX Group but no other information is
available as we go to air.

G3SWH will be active stroke 6Y5 from Jamaica through July
9th.  Listen out for him on all of the High Frequency bands.
If you make contact QSL via his home call.

RK4FF will be operational as 6V7S from Senegal through July
16th.  His activity will be on 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 meters
using CW, SSB and RTTY.  QSL via his  call.

F5SWB as TU5DF will be on the air from the Ivory Coast until
October.  His operations are 40 through 6 meters using
mainly CW with some SSB and PSK31. QSL to his home call.

LZ1GC and 3D2DD will be operational from Rotuma Island from
September 27th through October 11thas 3D2GC/P and 3D2DD/P
respectively.  3D2GC/P will be active on 160 through 6
meters using CW , SSB while 3D2DD/P will operate SSB only.
QSL each operator via his home call.

PG5M will be active from Yap Island September 8th to 15th as
V6G.  He will be operational on 40 through 10 meters using
CW only.  QSL via PG5M.

Lastly, while it may be the start of summer in the northern
latitudes, its always a good time for Christmas.  In this
case we are referring to Christmas Island where VK3DAC is
active as VK9DAC.  His operation is reported to be holiday
style on 80 to 10 meters using SSB only. QSL as directed on
the air.

(Above from various DX news sources)



And finally this week, the story of a fifteen year old
Canadian student used her knowledge of electronics
to develop an innovative flashlight.  One that could
eventually revolutionize portable lighting because all it
needs for power is its owner's body heat.  Amateur Radio
Newsline's Cheryl Lasek, K9BIK, has the rest of the story:


The UK Daily Mail newspaper says Ann Makosinski is a high
school junior in Victoria, British Columbia.  In deciding on
a science project she realized that Peltier tiles, which
produce electricity when one side is heated and the other is
cooled could use body-heat to create energy for a
flashlight.  So she set off to do just that.

Te result is a LED flashlight that lights simply by holding
it on the outside.  That causes the tiles to heat up on one
side while the ambient air cool down the tile on the inside.
The power created by the tiles was enough so she created a
four component voltage multiplying circuit that would
provide the level she required.

As a result of her efforts, this September Ann will be one
of fifteen finalists presenting their projects at the Google
Science Fair in Mountain View, California.  The winner gets
a prize of $50,000 and a trip to the Galapagos Islands.

For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Cheryl Lasek, K9BIK, in
Zion, Illinois.


You can read the full story and watch the video of Ann
Makosinski explaining and demonstrating her invention on the
web at  An interview with
Ann Makosinski conducted by writer Alexander Baron on how
she actually developed her amazing human powered flashlight
can be read at
(Southgate, Daily Mail)



With thanks to Alan Labs, AMSAT, the ARRL, the CGC
Communicator, CQ Magazine, the FCC, the Ohio Penn DX
Bulletin, Radio Netherlands, Rain, the RSGB, the Southgate
News, TWiT-TV and Australia's W-I-A News, that's all from
the Amateur Radio NewslineT.  Our e-mail address is newsline
(at) arnewsline (dot) org.  More information is available at
Amateur Radio Newsline'sT only official website located at  You can also write to us or support us
at Amateur Radio NewslineT, 28197 Robin Avenue, Santa
Clarita California, 91350

For now, with Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF, at the editors' desk,
I'm Don Wilbanks, AE5DW, in Southern Mississippi, saying 73
and we thank you for listening.

Amateur Radio NewslineT is Copyright 2013.  All rights

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