Friday, May 17, 2013

Amateur Radio Newsline Report 1866 - May 17 2013

Amateur Radio Newsline report number 1866 with a release
date of May 17   2013 to follow in 5-4-3-2-1.

The following is a Q-S-T.  Hamvention 2013 is here; D-Star
and kids become an important part of Hamvention; Russian
Radar invades 80 meters; a California ham seeks signatures
for petition on public warning legislation; the Hurricane
Watch Net says it could use more Net Control Stations;
registrations for International Lighthouse and Lightship
Weekend ramp up and the tale of some newly developed self
healing integrated circuit chips.  All this and more on
Amateur Radio NewslineT report number 1866 coming your way
right now.

(Billboard Cart Here)



Its Hamvention time in Dayton, Ohio.  This as the gates at
the HARA Arena swing open for this years show of shows in
amateur radio.  And in an interview with Rain's Hap Holly,
KC9RP, Hamvention spokesman Dave Kalter, W8CI, there's a lot
to look forward to including some spectacular prizes:


Kalter:  "Our prize committee has been really busy.  They
want to out-do what they did last year.  Last year we had
over $80,000 in prizes and this year we want to surpass


But while prizes are an important aspect of Hamvention, so
are other activities with the many forums being front and


Kalter:  "We get a lot of questions about forums and how
important forums are to amateur radio.  And a lot of people
love to mix their day
And sit down, watch a forum and learn something.  All that
information can be found at our website at"


As this year's theme is the DX Hamvention, there are a lot
of visitors from outside the United States.

Kalter:  "We have people coming literally from all over the
world.  A large contingent is coming in from China this
year.  We had  large group from India last year.  And of
coarse Qatar and all throughout the middle-East, Europe; a
very strong (presence) from South America and throughout
Africa.  And that's the big thing about amateur radio:  When
you see people with a call that you know is a foreign call -
most of these people I find are just absolutely delighted to
get to know you and (have you) talk to them face to face."


According to Kalter, its not easy for some foreign visitor
to get to the Hamvention, but planners are always ready to


Kalter:  "People come from a lot of countries for which they
need an actual written.  The city of Dayton; the city of
Trotwood; the counties around have all joined in to help us
to make amateur radio operators from all over the world feel
welcome.  Sometimes as many as four letters to one person
(are needed) just so they can get their visa."


And says Kalter, the Hamvention would not be possible
without the volunteers who make it happen.


Kalter:  "This is an all volunteer undertaking.  From the
General Chairman all the way through.  We do contract for
some emergency services; for bus services; we lease out the
Hara Arena but as far as the nitty-gritty work and the
planning, all of that is done by volunteers."


Kalter adds that not all of the volunteers live in the
Dayton area:


Kalter:  "We are really pound of our amateur radio community
here.  We are also proud of the fact that there are amateur
radio operators that come from all over the United States
and other parts of the world just to help volunteer for this
great event."


By the way, if you are in Dayton for Hamvention 2013 and
find yourself in need of any kind of assistance, simply dial
your 2 meter mobile or handheld to the repeater pair of
146.34 in and 146.94 out.  That's the official repeater for
Hamvention.  Its call is W8BI and no PL tone is required.

OK.  Its time for our reporters in Dayton to grab their
audio recorders and go to work.  You will hear their reports
on Hamvention 2013 beginning next week.

(ARNewsline with audio supplied by RAIN)



Kids and D-Star were to be part of Hamvention 2013's
activities.  This as the Texas Interconnect Team announces
that for the Hamvention weekend, reflector REF033B will
officially be the Dayton Kids Reflector.

Megan McClellan, K5MEM, will spearhead the project from the
ARRL Youth Booth starting Friday morning and continuing
during show hours on Saturday and Sunday.  The objective is
to give the future young hams an opportunity to experience
the fun and excitement of talking with someone far-away
place using the magic of Amateur Radio.  The participants in
the Youth area will have access to handheld radios and a DV-
AP, and will operate under the supervision of an experienced
Control Operator.

Even if you not at this years Hamvention you can assist in
this effort by connecting using D-Star to Reflector REF033B
during event hours Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.  If nobody
is talking, give them a call.  Remember, for any QSO to
begin it takes someone calling the first CQ.  (N9JA, others)



One product at Dayton that likely won't make headline
reviews but which is certain to be of interest to satellite
enthusiasts is a new version of AMSAT G6LVB Tracker.  The
new unit replaces the original amber only LCD display with
an O-LED or Organic Light Emitting Diode display will be
available in blue, green and amber.  The new display offers
a high visibility contrast with a wide angle of view.  More
information and a photo showing the old and new displays can
be found on-line at  (ANS)



In other news, the latest IARU Monitoring System Newsletter
reports the Russian Over The Horizon Radar that has invaded
the 3.5 MHz band is still very active.  The interfering
Radar system is believed to be located in the area of
Makhachkala, on the Caspian Sea and transmits simultaneously
between 3.515 to 3.545 and 3.560 to 3.590 MHz.  As a result,
amateur radio and other services are suffering interference
during the evening hours.  The German and Dutch
telecommunications regulators have been informed and have
been asked to intercede. (IARUMS)



The ARRL Letter says that with the 2013 hurricane season
approaching, the National Hurricane Center in Miami,
Florida, and the Hurricane Watch Net are gearing up for what
could be a very active storm season.  And in preparation for
what Mother Nature might have in store the Hurricane Watch
Net is seeking new members who can serve as net control

For those not aware, the Hurricane Watch Net provides on-the-
ground, real-time weather data from amateur radio operators
who volunteer their time to monitor their own properly
calibrated home weather stations. The hams then report the
data collected to the Hurricane Watch Net, which in turn
forwards it to WX4NHC which is the amateur radio station at
the National Hurricane Center.

For more information on the role played by hams in this
vital, life saving service, and how you can become a part of
it, take your web browser to



And before we go any further, a correction to the source
credit in last weeks newscast concerning the story about
Germany's DARC and Belgium's UBA supporting amateur radio in
Tunisia.  In the print edition we gave the source credit to
an organization called A-R-A-T.  Well it turns out that the
groups actual name is ASTRA which stands for Association
Tunisienne des Radio Amateurs that translated into English
is the Association of Tunisian Radio Amateurs.  How the
credit which was only seen in the print edition got typo'ed
remains a bit of a mystery, but we are sincerely grateful to
our listeners and readers across Europe and in Tunisia for
bringing this discrepancy to our attention.  (ARNewsline)



From the United States of America, We are the Amateur Radio
Newsline, heard on bulletin stations around the world
including the W8BI repeater of the Dayton Amateur Radio
Association serving the Hamvention City of Dayton, Ohio.

(5 sec pause here)



Richard Rudman, W6TIA, who is a core member of the Broadcast
Warning Working Group, has posted an online petition urging
Congress and the Executive Branch of government to enact
legislation for a national public warning strategy.  This so
emergency public information is always coordinated with
other emergency response measures.

In the petition Rudman and the Broadcast Warning Working
Group advocate that Emergency Public Information be treated
as a true response resource within the culture of emergency
management professionals and to be legislated by
Congress. And in an interview with Amateur Radio Newsline,
W6TIA, explained the importance of getting the government to
pay attention to this special need:


Rudman:  "The petition was started because we feel that two
pieces of legislation that died in the last session (of
Congress) should be brought back and strengthened, so that
for one thing there is a unified strategy for emergency
management and tying it to emergency public information
including warnings."


The legislation referred to by W6TIA was based on the
Partnership for Public Warning report titled "A National
Strategy for Integrated Public Warning and Capability."  He
noted that this was reinforced with language from the
previous legislative attempts and feels this proposal can
finally give real, wide-ranging value and meaning to FEMA's
Common Alerting Protocol warning tool called the Integrated
Public Alert and Warning System.

Rudman tells Newsline that he hopes to collect between 100
and 200 signatures.  He then plans to present them to what
he terms as key people in Congress who supported past
attempts at such legislation in the hope of getting them to
introduce them again, and get them passed.  W6TIA has about
75 signatures so far.  You can read and sign the petition at or
strategy.  (RW, ARNewsline)



A decision by American Tower Corporation to evict an amateur
radio emergency communications system from a tower the
company recently acquired in New Mexico has both the
sponsoring radio club and many of the people working in
local emergency services very concerned.  Amateur Radio
Newsline's Norm Seeley, KI7UP, reports:


The repeater in question is located on Buck Mountain
overlooking the community of Ruidoso. New Mexico, and is
operated by the Sierra Blanca Amateur Radio Club.  The
equipment was installed on the tower in 2004 and except for
when the tower suffered some damage three or four years ago
the repeater has been used continuously for emergencies such
as the Little Bear Fire in June 2012, and in the Rio Ruidoso
flood of July 2008.

Tony Davis is the president of White Mountain Search and
Rescue.  He said that he learned late Wednesday May 8th that
the tower holding the amateur radio repeater that is owned
and maintained by Rick Sohl, K5RIC, had been sold to
American Tower Corporation.  Despite attempts by Sohl to
negotiate an arrangement, American Tower has decided to
terminate amateur radio use of the facility, effective
immediately.   Davis said that there are other towers near
the same location, but they are largely occupied.

Ruidoso Acting Fire Chief Harlan Vincent also serves as the
village emergency services manager.  He says that he is not
happy about the decision of the Boston-based American Tower
company.  He noted that Ruidoso relies heavily on heavily on
ham operators in time of emergency.  He said that when
emergency service repeaters go down, the ham radio repeaters
are still functioning and able to get information from point
A to point B.

According to the Ruidoso News article reporting the
repeaters eviction, this system is used by amateur operators
not just in Lincoln County.  It also provides coverage into
Otero, Chaves and Eddy County, and as far away as the
Panhandle of Texas and into the city of El Paso.

Davis and Doug Thompson, W5DET, who is president of the
Sierra Blanca Amateur Radio Club, have sent an "open letter"
for publication in the Ruidoso News to the chairman,
president and chief executive officer of American Tower
Corporation.  It asks him to reconsider the company's

For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Norm Seeley, KI7UP, in
Scottsdale, Arizona.


More on this story can be found on-line at  (Ruidoso News, Southgate)



The FCC has upheld a $15,000 fine against an Oregon resident
for allegedly operating an unlicensed radio station.

Following up on a complaint from a local broadcaster in
2011, the Portland office of the Enforcement Bureau traced
the signal on 97.9 MHz in Prineville, Ore. to the residence
of Joshua McMurchie's.  A police officer accompanied the FCC
agent to the address where the FCC agent inspected the
station and issued McMurchie a Notice of Unlicensed

Following another complaint in 2012, an agent again T-
hunted the source of the signal to McMurchie's residence and
found a transmitter there.  The commission said that
McMurchie admitted operating the station and offered to
surrender the transmitter.

Last July,  FCC issued McMurchie a Notice of Apparent
Liability in the amount of $15000 raising by $500 it from
the base amount of $10,000 because the unlicensed
transmissions continued even after McMurchie was ordered to
cease operation.

But in its May 9th release the FCC says that McMurchie never
answered the original Notice of Apparent Liability.  Based
on that and the evidence before it the agency has now issued
a Forfeiture Order for $15,000 giving him 30 days to pay or
the case may be referred to the Justice Department for
collection.  (FCC)



A small but popular magazine targeted at those who operate
50 MHz and above is on the block.  This as Andy Barter,
G8ATD, announces his intention to retire from publishing the
currently U-K based VHF Communications Magazine

According to Barter, he has published VHF Communications
Magazine for the past 13 years and now wants to retire.  He
says that he will publish all 4 issues in 2013 but if anyone
in the group would like to take over publication of the
magazine from 2014 on and give it a new lease of life please
contact him.

Barter says that the job of publisher involves translating
articles from the German magazine UKW Berichte plus finding
additional articles to fill the VHF Communications.  In
addition there is the work of producing the magazine,
getting it printed and distributed, handling subscriptions
plus orders for back issues and the like.

The current circulation of the magazine is 349 with just 80
of those from the UK.  If this interests you, please contact
G8ATD by e-mail to andy (at) vhfcomm (dot) co (dot) uk.



As part of the ARRL's Centennial Celebration in 2014, the
League's Public Relations Committee is sponsoring an "I am
the ARRL" video contest.  The Committee is looking for pairs
of short video clips featuring ARRL members.  One clip
should show the radio amateur on the radio, while the other
should show the same ham in his or her work setting saying
who they are, that they like ham radio and that they are the

As explained by ARRL Public Relations Manager Allen Pitts,
W1AGP, an example might be a car mechanic in coveralls
working over an engine who looks at the camera and says 'I
am Henry Smith, N0XCC. I like to talk to people in exotic
countries and I am the ARRL.'  This clip would then be
paired with a shot of him at home talking on the radio.

Pitts says that the ARRL is looking for videos that
communicate that you are that
guy or gal down the street and you are an important part of
the ARRL.  W1AGP adds that with Field Day coming up next
month, there is a great opportunity for filming clips.

If this project interests you can find out more is on-line
at  (ARRL)



And if you are an amateur radio space enthusiast the mark
down November 1st to the 3rd as the dates for this years
AMSAT Space Symposium.  The venue will be the Marriott Hobby
Airport Hotel not far from the grounds of the grounds of
NASA's Johnson Spaceflight Center in Houston, Texas, which
is the home of the famed ham radio station W5RRR.

The AMSAT Annual Meeting will be held in conjunction with
the Space Symposium.  This will provide you with an
opportunity to hear about AMSAT's plans for the future and
voice your own thoughts and opinions to organization's Board
of Director members and other officials.

Over the coming months both the AMSAT Journal and AMSAT News
Service will be issuing timely updates on plans for this
years Space Symposium.  More information will also be
available on-line at (ANS)



On the social scene, word that the Ole Virginia Amateur
Radio Club will be holding its 39th Hamfest in Manassas
Virginia on June 9th, and you are invited to be a part of
the festivities.

This year in partnership with the 4 H, the club the
gathering will be hosting a Youth Lounge to provide teen and
preteen youth complete with on the air ham radio
demonstrations.  There will also be a number of educational
events to foster amateur radio awareness among the younger
members of the community.

Andrea Hartlage, KG4IUM, will be organizing and chairing the
Youth Lounge.  Hartlage, was the 2004 Amateur Radio Newsline
Young Ham of the Year and a former ARRL Vice-Director.  She
is nationally known as a promoter of Youth in Amateur Radio
and is an active member of the Youth in the Second Century
Committee sponsored by the American Radio Relay League.

More about both the Ole Virginia Amateur Radio Club hamfest
and its dedicated youth activities can be found on-line at  Organizers say that they hope to
see you there.  KC4DV



This is ham radio news for today's radio amateur.  From the
United States of America, We are the Amateur Radio Newsline
with links to the world from our only official website at and being relayed by the volunteer
services of the following radio amateur:

(5 sec pause here)



Google may be trying to create an experimental wireless
network covering its Mountain View, California,
headquarters.  This in a move that some analysts say could
be a sign that the company may be planning the creation of a
super-fast wireless networks in other locations that would
allow people to connect to the World-Wide-Web using mobile

Google recently submitted an application to the Federal
Communications Commission, asking for an experimental
license to create an experimental radio service with a two-
mile radius covering its headquarters.  The network would
only provide coverage for devices built to access
frequencies from 2524 to 2625 megahertz.  This is spectrum
which could work well in densely populated areas and which
mobile operators in China, Brazil and Japan are already
building wireless networks using.  This in turn means that
compatible devices can eventually be manufactured.

According to Communications News, much of Google's
application is confidential, but it does say that the first
deployment of the experimental network would take place
inside a specific building on Google's property.  That
building reportedly houses the company's Fiber Team, which
is part of the Google Access unit that has introduced high-
speed wired Internet and video in Kansas City.

A Google spokesperson declined to comment on the purpose of
the application, saying the company regularly experiments
with new ideas.  More is on the web at
ghz.  (, ARSTechnica, CommNews, others)



The battle for the most registrations for the 2013
International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend leadership
appears at this moment to be a tie between Australia and
Germany with 40 registrations each.  This out of more than
220 from 30 countries around the world.

Looking at other nations, the United States has registered
23 lighthouse and lightship entities.  It's followed by
England at 18, Argentina with at 12, Ireland and Scotland
with 9 each, with Canada, Netherlands and Sweden at 8 a

With registration only at about the half-way mark, it so far
appears that the number of entities planning to take part is
ahead of last year at this same time.  If you plan to
activate a lighthouse or lightship for this fun operating
event and want to register it, simply take your web browser

This year's International Lighthouse and Lightship weekend
takes place the weekend of August the 17th and 18th and
planners say that they hope you will be there.  (VK3PC)



Radio and Television Marti broadcasts to Cuba from the
United States government resumed on Monday, April 22nd.
This after a trashcan fire forced the temporary evacuation
of the headquarters of the Office of Cuba Broadcasting in
Miami the day before.

According to the United States Broadcasting Board of
Governors, the building that houses Marti and its website
reportedly sustained damage due to an accidental fire caused
by a lighted cigarette left in a container in a designated
smoking area outside the building.  While windows cracked
due to the heat, no one was injured and sprinklers were
automatically set off.

Carlos Garc�a P�rez, director of the Office of Cuba
Broadcasting said he was grateful for a quick response from
firefighters, and for the continued work of the station's
broadcasters through the ordeal.

In Cuba, Radio Mart� is available on 1080 AM and also on
1260 AM as Radio Caracol.  (RW)



On the air, keep an ear open for Geoff Powell, M1EDF, will
be on the air as GB4PEN through the 24th of May.  This, to
commemorate the crew of the United Kingdom lifeboat the

According to Wikipedia, the lifeboat Penlee sank off the
coast of Cornwall in the UK on December 19, 1981.  This
after it had gone to the aid of the vessel the Union
Star after its engines failed in heavy seas.

The story goes that after the Penlee had managed to rescue
four people that both vessels were lost with all hands.  In
all, sixteen people died including eight volunteer

M1EDF says that he will be operating on 160, 80, 40, 30
meters using CW only.  QSL's go direct to M1EDF who adds
that any donations received with QSLs will benefit the
United Kingdom's Royal National Lifeboat Institution.  More
is on-line at  (Southgate)



The State of Franklin Friendship net is a brand new regional
net serving East Tennessee, Southwest Virginia, and
Northwest North Carolina.  This new ragchew net is held on
several linked local repeaters in the area and also
worldwide via Echolink.  You're invited to join in every
Thursday evening at 9:30PM EDT.  More details and a list of
net repeaters and Echolink nodes can be found at  Stateoffranklin is all one
word.  (AE5DW)



In DX, 7Z1HL will be active from Saudi Arabia until May 31st
as HZ1FOC He is active on the various H-F Bands.  QSL only
Heribert Lennertz, HZ1FOC , P.O.Box 85661 , Riyadh 11612 ,
Saudi Arabia.

PB2T is currently operational stroke TF from Iceland on the
High Frequency bands.  If you make contact please QSL via
his home call

OD5SK is currently active from Jordan as JY8KS.  He is
reported to be on the H-F bands only.  QSL via IZ8CLM

OH6VM will be on the air from Market Reef from June 2nd to
the 5th.  He will be using the call sign OJ0VM also on the
various High Frequency bands QSL OH6VM.

HA0NAR will be active as 3D2AR from Viti Levu Island in the
Fiji Island group sometime in October.  His operation will
likely on 160 through 10 meters using CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL
via his home callsign and for updates please visit on the World-Wide-Web.

Lastly, G3SXW and G3TXF are on the air from Jersey Island on
all of the HF bands using the call sign GH4FOC for the FOC
commemorative operation as well as GJ3SXW and GJ3TXF.  QSL's
for GH4FOC go via G3SWH while GJ3SXW go via G3SXW and GJ3TXF
via G3TXF.  All calls can be either paper or electronic
using Logbook of the World.

(Above from various DX news sources)



And finally this week, indestructible electronics are a step
closer to reality thanks to engineers at the California
Institute of Technology who have developed what they are
calling self-healing integrated chips.  Amateur Radio
Newsline's Cheryl Lasek, K9BIK, has more:


The team from the High-Speed Integrated Circuits laboratory
in Caltech's Division of Engineering and Applied Science
repeatedly blasted tiny power amplifiers with a high-power
laser, vaporizing many of their components.  They then
watched the chips develop their own work-arounds in less
than a second.

The new integrated circuits are so small that 76 of them,
including the amplifier and everything needed to heal it,
can fit on one penny.  The amplifiers developed by the team
use on-chip sensors that monitor temperature, current,
voltage, and power.  These sensors send the information to a
custom application-specific integrated circuit or ASIC which
is a central processor on the same chip that functions as
the system's brain. The ASIC evaluates the information it
receives from the sensors about the amplifier's performance,
decides what adjustments need to be made to the system's
actuators, and makes those changes. The unit was designed to
get to the optimum state for all actuators in any situation
without outside intervention.

The benefits of this approach go beyond overcoming severe
damage.  Because of the self sensing, these amplifiers used
about half as much power as those without the self-healing
capability, and performance was more predictable and

In addition to working around damage to parts of the
circuits, the amplifier's self-healing can repair static
variation due to differences across components and long-term
aging problems that arise over time as use changes the
internal properties of the system.  It can also handle
short-term variations caused by changes in load,
temperature, and differences in supply voltage.

Since chips such as these are useful for next-generation
communications, imaging, sensing, and radar applications,
showing successful self-healing here should mean that it
also can be done in less cutting-edge electronic systems
such as cellphones and maybe someday even in ham radio gear.

For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Cheryl Lasek, K9BIK, in
Zion, Illinois.


Research on this project was funded by the Defense Advanced
Research Projects Agency and the Air Force Research
Laboratory.  More on this story is on-line at  (CalTech, WIA)



With thanks to Alan Labs, AMSAT, the ARRL, the CGC
Communicator, CQ Magazine, the FCC, the Ohio Penn DX
Bulletin, Radio Netherlands, Rain, the RSGB, the Southgate
News, TWiT-TV, Australia's WIA News and the 2013 Dayton,
Hamvention, that's all from the Amateur Radio NewslineT.
Our e-mail address is newsline (at) arnewsline (dot) org.
More information is available at Amateur Radio Newsline'sT
only official website located at  You
can also write to us or support us at Amateur Radio
NewslineT, 28197 Robin Avenue, Santa Clarita California,

A reminder that the there are only about two and a half
weeks left to nominate a young ham age 18 or under for this
years Amateur Radio Newsline Young Ham of the Year Award.
The closing date is midnight on May 30th and any nominations
postmarked or sent to us electronically after that date will
not be counted for this years judging.  This years winner
will receive an expense paid trip to the Huntsville Hamfest
courtesy of Yaesu USA, a week at Spacecamp Huntsville from
CQ Magazine, a prize of ham radio gear and a plaque
commemorating the event from us here at the Amateur Radio
Newsline.  Full details and a nominating form are on our
website at We look forward to
receiving your nominations.

For now, with Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF, at the editors' desk,
I'm Don Wilbanks, AE5DW, in South Mississippi saying 73 and
we thank you for listening.

Amateur Radio NewslineT is Copyright 2013.  All rights

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