Amateur Radio Newsline report number 1825 with a release
date of August 3rd 2012 to follow in 5-4-3-2-1.
The following is a QST. The United States prepares for W-R-
C 2015, The FCC denies a request to create an emergency
calling channel on 2 meters; South Africa's hams wonder if
a change in the nations regulatory structure will affect
them; the European Union provides protection for hams in
interference cases and a new 2 meter radio will soon be on
its way to the International Space Station. Find out the
details are on Amateur Radio NewslineT report number 1825
coming your way right now.
(Billboard Cart Here)
A proposed permanent secondary allocation to the amateur
service at or near 5 MHz is among agenda items for the World
Radiocommunication Conference in 2015. Amateur Radio
Newsline's Norm Seeley, KI7UP, has the details:
There are numerous items on the 2015 World
Radiocommunications meeting agenda, as spelled out at the
end of the recently concluded 2012 conference. One is the
proposal for a possible new allocation to the amateur
service on a secondary basis within the band 5.250 to 5.450
MHz. The International Amateur Radio Union has described
such an allocation as being among the best for hams to use
to provide around the clock emergency communications. So
far, little in the way of objections has been heard in
According to the publication Radio World, it is the National
Telecommunications and Information Administration that
coordinates United States participation in the WRC
conferences, doing so though a number of government
departments and agencies are involved. According to N-T-I-
A's website, the next conference will consider spectrum
requirements for uses ranging from mobile service
allocations for broadband to controlling unmanned aircraft
from space.
These conferences are held by the International
Telecommunication Union every few years to talk about
international radio regulations. An FCC advisory group will
start to meet this month in preparation for the next one.
The commission also has set up a website with information
about WRC-15. While WRC-15 may seem far away, the planning
for it is already getting underway.
For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm norm Seeley, KI7UP, in
Scottsdale, Arizona.
Another item of interest on the WRC 15 agenda is the
feasibility of achieving a continuous reference time-scale.
This either by the modification of coordinated universal
time or some other method. (RW)
Don't hold your breath waiting for the FCC to create a
nationwide emergency calling frequency on 2 meters or any
other Amateur Service band. That's because in denying a
petition filed by Bryan Boyle, WB0YLE, of Morrisville,
Pennsylvania, and Jim Dixon, WB6NIL, of Alhambra,
California, the regulatory agency basically said that it's
not necessary to have such a frequency cast in stone in the
Part 97 rules. Amateur Radio Newsline's Heather Butera-
Howell, KB3TZD, has the details:
Bryan Boyle, WB0YLE, and Jim Dixon, WB6NIL had jointly filed
a rule making request that asked the FCC to designate 146.55
MHz in the 2 meter band as a non-exclusive nationwide
Amateur Radio Service emergency communications FM channel.
In their petition the pair noted that other services, such
as Citizens Band Radio, the Aviation Service and the
Maritime Service have specific channels set aside for
emergency communications. They argued that a similar
designated channel in the Amateur Service could serve the
same purpose.
But in its denial order dated July 31st the FCC claimed that
Dixon and Boyle had not shown that a problem existed that
would be addressed by designating a nationwide Amateur
Service emergency calling frequency. To the contrary, the
regulatory agency noted that the rules as they now stand
provide the Amateur Service with what it calls the
flexibility to provide emergency communications in a way
that takes into account frequency availability and other
local conditions.
The FCC observed that under the current Amateur Service
rules that licensed operators can use multiple channels on
the same or different amateur bands if needed for an event.
They can also use multiple channels in the same band when
multiple, but different events occur.
Translated into plain English, what the Commission is saying
is that plenty of spectrum exists on 2 meters and other ham
radio bands for radio amateurs to provide emergency
communications services. This, without the regulatory
agency stating that a given frequency is designated for that
The agency also noted that the Boyle and Dixon proposal for
the channel to be a non-exclusive nationwide is essentially
no different from the way things are right now. This is
because all Amateur Service frequencies are already shared
and as such they may be used for providing emergency
communications as the need arises. If hams in a given
region or even nationwide want to create such designated
channels on a voluntary basis that the Amateur Radio
community already has the authority to do so.
For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Heather Butera-Howell,
KB3TZD, near Berwick, Pennsylvania.
The bottom line. The FCC seems to be saying that if such a
non-exclusive nationwide emergency calling frequency is
needed, nothing in the Part 97 rules prevents the amateur
community from voluntarily establishing such channels, be it
on 2 meters or for that matter, any other Amateur Service
band. (FCC)
The South African Department of Communications is planning
to create another body parallel to its Independent
Communications Authority of South Africa or ICASA. This, to
take over the singular duty of spectrum management.
This move comes as one of the many changes proposed in the
Electronic Communications Amendment Bill of 2012. That is a
measure that among other things calls for the establishment
of a new Spectrum Management Agency within the portfolio of
the Minister of Communications with the overall
responsibility for the country's electromagnetic spectrum.
Along with the proposed law comes an explanatory document.
It states that the Minister of Communications will act as
the custodian of the spectrum on behalf of the people of
South Africa as well as representing that nation before the
International Telecommunications Union. This includes the
allocation of the radio frequency spectrum to various radio
communication services including amateur radio. The
minister will also be responsible for all international
spectrum matters pertaining to South Africa, including
Regional and sub-Regional spectrum planning, all cases
concerning international harmful interference and
international frequency coordination.
The South Africa Radio League Council says that it is
currently studying the draft bill to see what impact it
might have on that nations amateur radio service. South
African radio amateurs are invited to send comments to the
South Africa Radio League by August 15th. Please address
them to secretary (at) sarl (dot) org (dot) za.
It appears as if ham radio operators in the European Union
are safe from being treated as sources of massive radio
frequency interference. On July 10th the Internal Market
and Consumer Protection Committee of the European
Parliament voted on a the new version of the an
Electromagnetic Compatibility directive containing an
amendment fostered by Germany's Deutscher Amateur Radio Club
and the Political Relations Committee of the International
Amateur Radio Union to protect the rights of radio amateurs.
The original draft amendment to the definition of an
"electromagnetic disturbance" could in the worst case have
led to the signal of an amateur station being treated as an
annoyance or intrusion. (Southgate)
A new VHF ham radio system will soon be headed to the
International Space Station. At the July 17 ARISS
meeting Kenneth Ransom, N5VHO, reported that his group is in
the final stages of preparing the flight certification for
of the replacement hardware for the degraded Ericsson 2
meter radio. That rig is part of the 2nd ISS amateur radio
station that is located in the Columbus module.
According to Ransom, they had been hoping to launch of the
equipment on flight 33-S on December 5th. Now however comes
word that the new radio could be carried aloft ob flight 49-
P that's slated to launch on November 1st. As such,
Ransom's group is trying to finish the certification process
in time for this earlier flight option.
The degraded Ericsson VHF radio may be returned on flight 32-
S in October. The team is very interested in trying to
determine what the problem has been with this particular
piece of gear. And we will have more space related ham
radio news later on in this weeks Amateur Radio Newsline
report. (ARISS)
From the United States of America, We are the Amateur Radio
Newsline, heard on bulletin stations around the world
including the WA3PBD repeater serving Pittsburgh,
(5 sec pause here)
The FCC has issued a Notice of Apparent Liability in the
amout of $15,000 to Joshua McMurchie of Prineville, Oregon.
This for his alleged operation of a an unauthorized station
on 97.9 MHz.
Back in 2011 agents from the FCC's Portland Office of its
Enforcement Bureau responded to a complaint and traced the
signal to McMurchie's home. Local law enforcement officers
accompanied the FCC agents and left a Notice of Unlicensed
Operation with another resident of the house and also mailed
a notice as a backup. According to the FCC McMurchie signed
for the latter notice in October 2011,
This past May, the FCC's Portland Enforcement Bureau
received another complaint about an illegal station on 97.9
MHz. Both the FCC and Prineville Police officers went to
his home, were granted admittance and found a transmitter
broadcasting at that location. The FCC says that McMurchie
admitted he operated the station and offered to surrender
his equipment to the agents.
Now the FCC has issued a proposed penalty. In reaching its
decision, the agency boted that the base fine for operating
an illegal station is $10,000. However the commission fined
McMurchie $15,000 because of his repeated violations. He
too has the customary 30 days from receipt of the notice to
pay the proposed fine or to file an appeal. (FCC)
The FCC has affirmed a $7000 fine issued to a California
Citizens Radio operator. This after he refused to let the
FCC inspect his station on several occasions. Amateur Radio
Newsline's Bruce Tennant, K6PZW, is here with the details:
This case dates back to March 19, 2010. That's when agents
from the San Francisco FCC Office responded to a complaint
of interference to the radio communication system equipment
of the Merced County Fire Department. The agents then
monitored the radio transmissions on frequency 27.165 MHz
and used radio direction finding techniques to locate the
source of the signal associated with the interference to a
CB radio station operating from an Ira Jones' residence in
The agents approached Jones, identified themselves and told
him about the interference. He denied being the source of
the interference. They then asked to inspect Jones CB radio
station but he refused.
The scenario was basically repeated on August 27th, 2010
when FCC agents, this time accompanied by officers of the
Merced Police Department again visited Jones residence. Once
again they were refused admittance. On both occasions the
FCC issue Jones written warning notices that he refused to
On March 10, 2011, the San Francisco Office issued a Notice
of Apparent Liability for Monetary Forfeiture in the amount
of $7,000 to Jones for failing to allow authorized FCC
personnel to inspect his CB radio station. Jones responded
to the N-A-L on March 30th. At that time he argued that he
has not seen the complaints of the alleged the interference,
that he did not receive the described warnings from the San
Francisco agents, and that the agents did not produce valid
identification cards.
But the FCC was not persuaded by any of Jones claims. On
July 27th it affirmed the Forfeiture Order that gives Jones
the customary 30 days to pay the $7000 fine or to file a
further appeal.
For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Bruce Tennant, K6PZW, in
Los Angeles.
This is the second time in recent weeks that an 11 meter C-B
operator has been fined in relation to radio gear that in
some way was found to interfere with some form of public
service communications. In this case the fine is based not
on the interference caused by the C-B operators station but
rather because he refused an order from the FCC to inspect
it. (FCC)
An unlicensed operator who haunted an Australian repeater
has been caught.
About three weeks ago several members of a radio club were
contacted by what appeared to be a person operating with a
phony call over the Redcliffe repeater. The operator was
using the call sign VK4NFL. It did not take very long for
that unidentified operator to get caught after authorities
became involved.
Australia's Communications and Media Authority or A-C-M-A
located the station and the matter is now in the hands of
the Commonwealth legal authorities. It appears as though
they do not waste very much time with unlicensed violators
like this one, down-under. (WIA)
The Herald-Palladium newspaper says that the remnants of the
famed Heathkit Company that once employed up to 1,800 people
in St. Joseph Township, Michigan, is now on the auction
Owner Don Desrochers told the paper that the company, which
was down to half a dozen employees at the end, defaulted on
its lease and has filed for bankruptcy.
The organization was last known as Heathkit Educational
Systems. Desrochers told the Herald-Palladium that this
business was primarily dependant on federal and state
funding for schools. Unfortunately, spending in education
continued to drop and as such it was economically unfeasible
to continue operating.
Founded in 1926 as an aircraft company, Heathkit shifted its
focus to electronics after World War II when it bought
surplus electronic parts to build kits. Heathkit left the
kit business in 1992, focusing on educational materials,
then announced it was getting back into the kit business in
2011. According to Desrochers it was losing the
educational business faster than it could grow the
electronics business, which was not sustainable.
(Published news reports)
David Rowe, VK5DGR, has made available open source software
for a 1400 bps High Frequency FDMRV modem.
FDMDV stands for Frequency Division Multiplexed Digital
Voice and is described as basically being a grouping of slow
modems running in parallel. For example FDMDV has 14
carriers spaced 75 Hz apart, each running at 50 symbols a
second. Due to multipath problems on the High Frequency
bands this approach is claimed to work better than one
carrier running at 700 symbols per second.
One of the applications of this modem technology will be
Digital Voice since it offers fast sync, no multi-second
training sequences, the ability to recover quickly after a
fade, and no automatic re-transmit of "bad" packets.
Those interested in experimenting with HF digital voice
using this technology can find further information and
source code at tinyurl.com/hf-digital-voice-modem
Dee Logan, W1HEO, is researching an article for the DX
Magazine on the rising costs of DXpeditons and would like to
hear from DXpeditioners for their comments on how to these
ever increasing costs. Specific areas of interest include
examples of specific costs and reasons for their larger
amounts and suggestions for new sources or approaches to
donations. If you can help please contact W1HEO by e-mail
as soon as possible at deverelogan (at) gmail (dot) com
Frank Bauer, KA3HDO, has returned to AMSAT North America as
Vice President for Human Spaceflight programs. Bauer
stepped down from this position in May 2009 due to
increasing work responsibilities at NASA. At the time he
was the Chief Engineer for the Exploration Systems Mission
Directorate at NASA Headquarters.
Bauer retired from NASA in September 2011. but has been
unable to fully support ARISS or other human spaceflight
pursuits. This is due to a post-retirement one year
"cooling off" period with NASA and with the International
Space Agencies. That period ends in about a month.
The Vice President for Human Spaceflight is a position that
is appointed by the AMSAT President. It provides leadership
and guidance to the AMSAT President, BoD and executives on
AMSAT's Human Spaceflight Operations and Development.
The 2012 Radio Amateurs of Canada National Convention slated
for the weekend of August 10th to the 12th has been
cancelled. According to a press release, planners cite a
low number of per-registrants as one of the reasons that the
Canadian national Amateur Radio society has taken this
action. The organizers will be immediately refunding any
registrations received prior to cancellation and say they
are already working on plans for their 2013 show. They also
apologized to anyone who had arranged other vacation or
travel plans around this convention. What little else is
known about the cancellation can be found on-line at
convention 2012 dot rac dot ca. (VA7AEJ, RAC)
And a word of congratulations to West Virginia's Tri-State
Amateur Radio Association which will host its 50th annual
hamfest from 8:30 a.m. to1 p.m. on August 11th. For ithis
golden anniversary the event will be at the Life and Health
Center of Christ Temple Church complex in the city of
Huntington. This is a new location will offer unlimited
free parking and a new, modern facility for the event. More
about the group is on-line at www (dot) orgsites (dot)
com/wv/taraclub. (TARA)
This is ham radio news for today's radio amateur. From the
United States of America, We are the Amateur Radio Newsline
with links to the world from our only official website at
www.arnewsline.org and being relayed by the volunteer
services of the following radio amateur:
(5 sec pause here)
This note to listeners who tune into Amateur Radio Newsline
using the podcast audio feature. We have updated the links
to the iTunes and R-S-S feed for our weekly report and you
will need to re-subscribe in your podcast listening device
using the new links available at www.arnewsline.org in the
right column. Simply click on the link that affects you and
perform the re-subscription process as required by each
service. And thank you for being an important part of the
Amateur Radio Newsline family. (ARNewsline)
The 15th international EME conference hosted by the U-K
Microwave Group is being held at Churchill College Cambridge
between August 15th and 19th. It will also feature a star
studded scientific cast. RSGB news reader Jeremy Boot,
G4NJH, has the details:
This is the first time that this conference has been held in
the UK, and it provides an opportunity to learn about this
most technically challenging aspect of our great science
based hobby. Earth-Moon-Earth communications has much in
common with radio astronomy and deep space communications
and, in addition to EME specific lectures, there will be
presentations on both these subjects.
Two Nobel Physics Laureates from the world of Radio
Astronomy will be present at the conference. Joe Taylor,
K1JT is a keen EME enthusiast and will be presenting a paper
on MAP65, while Professor Antony Hewish, FRS, is the speaker
at the conference gala dinner on Saturday 18th.
With over 150 delegates and 60 partners from five continents
already registered, this promises to be a great event.
I'm Jeramy Boot, G4NJH, and you are listening to the Amateur
Radio Newsline.
More information on this event can be found on-line at
The late Paul Lieb, KH6HME's beacon system located at the
8200 foot of Hawaii's Mona Loa Volcano in Hawaii is welcome
by the site manager to continue to operate from that
According to Don Mussell, the KH6HME beacons are located in
the building that was formerly under the control of KGMB-TV.
Over the past few years that site was taken over by Hawaii
Public Radio, and put under Mussell's supervision.
Mussell says that Hawaii Public Radio is happy to have the
beacons located at the site and will leave the operation and
maintenance to a ham radio club that also operates equipment
inside the building. It
will be up to them to decide if the beacon operation will
continue. (Don Mussell, CGC)
Nano technology is in the news once again. This time as a
way to store energy. Amateur Radio Newsline's Don Wilbanks,
AE5DW, has more:
With all the research on nano-technology, perhaps we
shouldn't be surprised that one of the latest involves
coaxial cables on a nano-scale.
The main interest in the nano-coaxial cable is as an energy
storage device due to the very high capacitance between the
inner and outer conductor. A study conduced at Rice
University found that the capacitance of the nano-cable is
at least 10 times greater than would be predicted with
classical electrostatics. The capacitance of the new nano-
cable is up to 143 microfarads per centimeter-squared.
Study co-author Jun Lou notes that for energy storage, he
can envision a large scale energy storage device consisting
of millions of tiny nano-cables side by side in large
areas. Lou also says that this cable might also be used as
a transmission line for radio frequency signals at the nano
scale. This could be useful as a fundamental building block
in micro and nano sized electromechanical systems like lab-
on-a-chip devices.
For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Don Wilbanks, AE5DW.
It appears as if nano technology has come a long way since
we began reporting on it only a few short years ago. (TV
- 19 EVENT
With 315 registrations so far, the 15th annual International
Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend is headed for what right
now appears to be yet another record year for participation.
So far, Australia has the most registrations followed by the
United States and Germany. With many other nations
represented. Among the new ones are Austria, Chile, China,
Curacao, Gibraltar, Honduras, Island of Man, Italy, Northern
Ireland, Romania, Spain, Sri Lanka, Switzerland and the
With only a few weeks to go, there is still time to register
a lighthouse or lightship for the 48 hour fun event slated
for August 18th and 19th. To do this, simply visit
illw.net for online registration and guidelines of the
popular unique event. (VK3PC)
In contesting news, CQ magazine says that it will embark on
a major reorganization of its editorial content in order to
publish contest results significantly sooner. According to
Editor Rich Moseson, W2VU, on average, contest results will
appear four months sooner than at present.
This change has been made possible by the fact that the
majority of contest entrants submit their logs online along
with advancements in technology for log-checking. Also
assisting are the earlier log submission deadlines announced
last month and advances in publishing technology.
The new schedule will be phased in over the course of 2013
and will be fully in place by 2014. A complete calendar of
contest results issues for 2013 and 2014 will be posted on
the CQ website at www dot cq-amateur-radio dot com. (CQ)
In DX, Bill Moore NC1L, the ARRL Awards Branch Manager has
announced that the 2012 H44UD operation from the Solomon
Islands has been approved for DXCC credit. Cards for that
operation may now be submitted.
On the air, listen out for HA9MDN who will be active stroke
9A from Vir Island. Operations will be on SSB, RTTY and
SSTV. QSL to HA9MDN via the Bureau or using eQSL.
JH1DVG will be active as V63JX from Pohnpei Island between
November 23-26th. His operations will be on 40 through 10
meters using various modes. QSL to his home callsign,
direct or via the bureau.
Three operators will be on the air from Praslin Island
between October 21st and November 4th. Their activity will
be holiday style on 80 through 10 meters using CW, SSB and
RTTY. QSL S79LC via I5IHE direct only. QSL S79YY via I5OYY
direct with an SASE or electronically using Logbook of the
World. QSL's for S79XX go via IK5RUN, also direct with an
SASE or using Logbook of the World.
Lastly, JA1XGI will be active as V63XG from Yap Island
between December 5th to the 12th. His activity will
probably be on 20 through 6 meters using mainly CW, with
some SSB and Digital modes. QSO's will be uploaded to
Logbook of the World as soon as possible. QSL via JA1XGI,
direct or by the bureau.
Above from various DX sources
And finally this week the story of the vanishing unlicensed
broadcaster in the city of Ventura, California. Did he get
scared off the air or did he simply get tired of playing a
want-to-be broadcaster, Amateur Radio Newsline's Bill
Pasternak, WA6ITF, has what we know about this interesting
here and gone station:
Actually, what we know comes by way of Bob Gonsett, W6VR,
and his CGC Communicator broadcast industry electronic
newsletter. According to Bob, this past July 11th a
complaint was filed with the FCC field office in Los Angeles
concerning a n unlicensed station on 89.7 MHz reportedly
operating from Channel Drive in the coastal city of Ventura,
California. The station referred to itself as "KSSR... The
People's Radio." It even had its own business card and
But on July 25th the CGC Communicator received word that the
station had vanished from the airwaves and has shut down
their Website. In fact the last Web update was reported on
July 24th and said - quote -- "It was nice while it lasted."
According to the CGC Communicator, one of the people
involved with the complaint isn't sure if the FCC paid the
station a visit, or if the broadcaster saw his vehicle pass
by in front of the alleged station location with an antenna
in the middle of the vehicle roof and decided to shut it
down before the FCC showed up. Either way, the unlicensed
broadcaster is gone, at least for now.
So where does this all lead? According to the CGC
Newsletter, for many the temptation to find such an
unlicensed station is almost overwhelming. It is something
most can do with simple direction finding equipment. That's
fine if it can be done secretly. The problem with obvious
and overt DFing is that the unlicensed station may shut down
prematurely only to surface again elsewhere.
The CGC Communicator says that in dealing with unlicensed
broadcasters that there is a definite advantage in letting
the FCC handle these cases from start to finish. The CGC
Communicator notes that once a federal case is opened, the
unlicensed station is more likely to stay off the air and
that means a lot less work for everyone involved.
For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF,
not all that far from Ventura in the Newsroom in Los
By the way, according to Bob Gonsett, W6VR, the real KSSR-FM
is located in the city of Santa Rosa, California and
operates on 95.9 MHz. (CGC Communicator)
With thanks to Alan Labs, AMSAT, the ARRL, the CGC
Communicator, CQ Magazine, the FCC, the Ohio Penn DX
Bulletin, Radio Netherlands, Rain, the RSGB, the Southgate
News and Australia's WIA News, that's all from the Amateur
Radio NewslineT. Our e-mail address is newsline (at)
arnewsline (dot) org. More information is available at
Amateur Radio Newsline'sT only official website located at
www.arnewsline.org. You can also write to us or support us
at Amateur Radio NewslineT, 28197 Robin Avenue, Santa
Clarita California, 91350
For now, with Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF, at the editors desk,
I'm Jim Davis, W2JKD, saying 73 and we thank you for
Amateur Radio NewslineT is Copyright 2012. All rights
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