Amateur Radio Newsline report number 1810 with a release
date of April 20th, 2012 to follow in 5-4-3-2-1.
The following is a QST. A new report released by a ham in
Germany highlights various radar sources that could
interfere with amateur radio; the Sun shows its might again
as a major eruption hits the North-East limb; amateur radio
responds to tornado devastation in the central U-S; Scouting
gets its own IRLP Topic Channel and Riley is coming to CQ
Magazine. Find out the details are on Amateur Radio
NewslineT report number 1810 coming your way right now.
(Billboard Cart Here)
A new paper released by a ham in Germany may shed some light
on sources of interference on the ham bands caused by radar
systems world-wide. Jim Davis, W2JKD, has more:
Wolfgang Hadel DK2OM has made available a report documenting
High Frequency Over The Horizon radar systems used around
the world. Also included are Ionosphere and Troposhere
Diagnostic Radars as well as well as Ocean Wave and Coastal
Radars. All of these can interfere with amateur radio and
shortwave listening.
The report is an exceedingly thorough look at these various
Radar systems and their uses. It also includes explanations
of how some of these systems work and include photographs,
maps and graphs of some of the operations.
The 36 page report is free to anyone who wants a copy. You
can download it in Adobe .pdf format at tinyurl.com/oth-
I'm Jim Davis, W2JKD.
Again that U-R-L to obtain a free copy of the paper is
A follow-up and a possible answer to the question raised
last week of just what aeronautical radar system Gary Dent,
AF6HP, was issued a Notice of Violation by the FCC for
interfering with. Its now been made public that the FAA is
in the process deploying a new generation of Common Air
Route Surveillance Radar that operates in the 23 centimeter
band. Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF, is in the newsroom with what
we know:
Well Don, most of what we know comes in the form of a news
release from the ARRL Letter. It says that the deployment
of what is known as the updated Common Air Route
Surveillance Radar has some implications for the use of the
1240 to 1300 MHz band by radio amateurs.
According to the ARRL story, the improved Common Air Route
Surveillance Radar systems are being installed in several
dozen locations throughout the country, albeit the exact
placement has not been announced. And as stated, this radar
system is a primary user of the band meaning that any and
all other users must protect it from any man made
interference. That includes amateur radio which holds
secondary status.
At this point, all that's really known is that the radar
will use various frequencies in the 1240-1350 MHz range with
an occupied bandwidth of about 3 MHz. As such, the League
says that in the vicinity of these radars, amateur operation
may be precluded in a portion of the 23 cm band.
The ARRL says that it is in contact with FAA engineers and
that it anticipates that the constraints on amateur use of
the band will be limited to those necessary to protect
aviation safety. This of coarse is something that cannot
ever be compromised.
For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF,
in the newsroom in Los Angeles.
Whether or not this radar is the reason that AF6HP received
his Notice of Violation is not known because it's also not
known if the Los Angeles area is the home of one of the
improved radar facilities. Nor does it explain the
additional charge of broadcasting that was included in the
NOV issued to AF6HP. (ARRL, others)
Another spectacular display from old Sol. On April 16th
around 17:45 UTC, magnetic fields curling over the sun's
northeastern limb rose up and erupted, producing one of the
most visually-spectacular explosions in years.
The event, which also produced an M1.7-class solar flare and
a coronal mass ejection, was not Earth-directed.
Nevertheless, it confirms suspicions that a significant
active region of our home star is rotating onto the Earth
facing side of the sun. This could mean more flares and some
interesting propagation in the coming days and weeks.
Please visit spaceweather.com for videos of this solar event
and the very latest updates. (W0WOI, VHF Reflector)
Retired FCC amateur radio enforcement chief Riley
Hollingsworth, K-4- Zed-D-H, has been named a CQ magazine
contributing editor, succeeding "Washington Readout" editor
Fred Maia, W5YI, who recently became a Silent Key.
Hollingsworth, a ham since 1960 and a longtime FCC attorney
became a household name in amateur radio in 1998. That's
when he was named Special Counsel for Amateur Radio in the
Commission's then newly-created Enforcement Bureau.
His highly-visible enforcement actions were cheered by a
majority in the amateur community. Especially after more
than a decade during which FCC enforcement on the ham bands
was virtually non existent.
Riley Hollingsworth retired from the FCC in 2008, but has
continued to be in demand for personal appearances within
the ham radio community. And according to CQ Editor Rich
Moseson, W2VU, he was the natural choice for a column on
regulatory matters concerning amateur radio:
W2VU: "If you are looking for a columnist on regulatory
affairs, who is better qualified than Riley Hollingsworth?
"He spent 30 years in the FCC; kept us all in-line for over
a decade; continues to be a widely sought after speaker at
hamfests and clubs and is very widely respected throughout
the amateur community."
Riley Hollingsworth's new monthly column will be titled
"Riley's Ramblings." According to Moseson, it will
incorporate "Washington Readout's" coverage of legislative
and administrative actions that affect amateur radio along
with additional topics of importance and/or interest to CQ's
readers and the ham radio public at large.
Hollingsworeth's first column will appear in the July, 2012,
issue of CQ. In it he will explain why ongoing FCC
enforcement actions since his retirement have been somewhat
"under the radar."
Riley Hollingsworth holds a Master's degree from the
University of South Carolina, and a law degree from Wake
Forest University. He lives in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania,
with his wife, Pat. (CQ)
From the United States of America, We are the Amateur Radio
Newsline, heard on bulletin stations around the world
including the W7KYC repeater serving the city of Portland,
(5 sec pause here)
Amateur radio operators in several states responded as a
spate of tornadoes devastated areas of several states. We
have more in this report:
When high winds and tornadoes called on Oklahoma Friday,
April 13th, amateur radio Skywarn spotters and Amateur Radio
Emergency Service members were ready.
Rick Smith, KI5GT, the warning coordination meteorologist in
Norman said: "Once again, storm spotters played a critical
role in helping the National Weather Service and local
officials deal with dangerous storms during the past week
across Oklahoma.
Amateur radio reports from local storm spotters gave
forecasters important ground truth information when
tornadoes struck southwest Oklahoma on April 13th. And it
was a trained storm spotter from a volunteer fire department
in northwest Oklahoma who alerted the National Weather
Service as the tornado that would go on to strike Woodward,
Oklahoma first developed. That information prompted a
tornado warning that gave residents of Woodward about 20
minutes advance warning."
Near the town a Blair, Altus Skywarn Association members
were providing spotter reports on the WX5ASA repeater
system. In fact, the day after the tornado, Skywarn
Coordinator Steve Grayson, KE5BPL, was leading a team of Red
Cross volunteers in damage assessment. Within another two
days, Grayson was deployed to Woodward to help with the
recovery from the tragic F-3 tornado strike there.
Similar stories played out in the "tornado ravaged" cities
of Woodward, Cherokee, and Norman where a total of seven
deaths were reported. Cleanup and Recovery continues in
Oklahoma which has seen at least one County so far declared
by the Governor as a disaster area.
In addition to Oklahoma, several other states suffered storm
damage as well. There, ham radio operators played key roles
in severe weather spotting and relief efforts as well.
For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Don Carlson, KQ6FM, in
More on this in future Amateur Radio Newsline reports.
(KC5FM, National Weather Service Norman OK., others)
N4UM tells Newsline that he has begun a petition drive to
the FCC. This, in an attempt to get the regulatory agency
to void antenna prohibitions by developers and Home Owners
As of this report the petition has garnered over 700
signatures. N4UM says that he is doing this now because the
FCC is currently requesting formal comments on emergency
communications in amateur radio. The agency also wants to
know the effects of impediments to the amateur radio service
as part of the Docket GN 12-91 inquiry.
Comments on this federal study close on May 17th. N4UM says
that his petition will also close on this same day. You can
find his petition on-line at tinyurl.com/antenna-rights
A Consent Decree has ended the case involving a hobby
electronics supplier accused by the FCC of selling non-
certified broadcast transmitters in the United States.
Amateur Radio Newsline's Norm Seeley, KI7UP, has the
The FCC has entered into a Consent Decree with Richard Mann
doing business as the Antique Radio Collector. The Consent
Decree settles an enforcement proceeding begun back in
November of 2006, when the FCC's Spectrum Enforcement
Division issued the Letter of Inquiry to Mann in response to
a complaint alleging that he was assembling SSTRAN model
AMT3000 AM transmitters built from kits and then marketing
them in the United States.
In March of 2007 the regulatory agency issued the Notice of
Apparent Liability for Forfeiture against Mann in the amount
of $7,000 wich was affirmed that November. This lead to a
number of Petitions for Reconsideration over the next 5
years and finally to a decision by the FCC and Mann that it
would be far more prudent to finalize the matter through a
Consent Decree. This decree has now been accepted by all
parties and brings the matter to a close.
For the Amateur radio Newsline, I'm Norm Seeley, KI7UP, in
Scottsdale, Arizona.
You can read the entire decision and the text of the Consent
Decree on-line at tinyurl.com/RichardMannConsentDecree
The FCC has affirmed a Forfeiture Order in the amount of ten
$10,000 to Robenson Thermitus of Miami, Florida. This for
his alleged operation of an unlicensed radio transmitter on
the frequency 98.7 MHz in the Miami area.
Back on January 20, 2012, the Enforcement Bureau's Miami
Office issued the $10,000 Notice of Apparent Liability for
Forfeiture to Thermitus. Since that time Thermitus has not
filed a response to the NAL.
Now, based on the information the FCC has before it, the
regulatory agency has now upheld the forfeiture order and
given. Its also provided Thermitus the customary 30 days to
pay the fine or to file an appeal. (FCC)
Radio Scouting and the Jamboree on the Air now have a common
meeting place for Internet Radio Linking Project contacts or
IRLP. As one of the new Topic Channels, scouts need only
connect to IRLP Node 9091 to make contact with one another.
The Radio Scouting and Jamboree on the Air Topic Channel is
available for use 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. A
recommended time for calling has initially been established
for 1800 UTC for weekend activities, such as Radio Merit
Badge events, as well as contacts during Summer Camp.
Another suggested time is 0100 UTC to accommodate most
scouts during the evening hours.
For detailed information on available IRLP repeaters in your
area, how IRLP works and operating guidelines, visit
www.irlp.net on the World-Wide-Web. For more information
about this and other IRLP Topic Channels take your web
browser to www.irlptopics.net. (NZART)
The Quarter Century Wireless Association has announced that
those eligible can now join the organization or renew
membership on-line.
The link to the applications are at www.qcwa.org/how-to-
join.php After you complete the form, click 'Add to Cart.
From there you yiu will be taken to PayPal to complete the
You don't need to be a member of PayPal to use a Debit or
Credit card. You do need to be a member of PayPal to use
your checking or savings account electronic transfer.
Eligibility to join QCWA requires a continuous 25 years as a
licensed amateur radio operator. (N0UF)
A Healdsburg, California ham has announced a special event
operation to celebrate the 75th anniversary of one of the
states most usefull landmarks. Jim Damron, N8TMW, is here
with more:
Will Pattullo, AE6YB, tells Newsline that he will be hosting
special event N6G an May 26 and the 27th. This to celebrate
the 75th anniversary of the opening of San Francisco's
Golden Gate Bridge.
AE6YB says he will definitely be on 7.265, 14.265 and 21.265
MHz during the two-day operation. He will also try to get
on 80 and 10 meters if time permits. Domestic U-S stations
should QSL N6G via AE6YB with a self addressed stamped
envelope direct via his callbook address. DX stations are
asked to include a US dollar to cover return postage.
From Charleston, West Virginia, I'm Jim Damron, N8TMW,
More about the event is on line at AE6YB's information page
on QRZ.com.
If you will be attending Hamvention 2012, heres a bit of
news for you. And again this year, K9NZF Systems and the
Chief Anderson Amateur Radio Club are hosting the Dayton
Hamvention MegALinK special event wide area voice network.
The MegALinK was conceived as a way to provide FM mobile
voice coverage from west central Indiana all the way to
Dayton, Ohio. This year it will also provide coverage into
and on the grounds of the Dayton Hamvention itself.
More about it and how to use it is on-line at www.k9nzf.com.
Questions and comments go by e-mail to megalink (at) k9nzf
(dot) com. (K9ZF Systems)
AMSAT is inviting students attending the 2012 Dayton
Hamvention to stop by the Satellite Demonstration Area just
outside of the Ball Area entrance. This to experience the
thrill of taking part in an actual contact using one or more
of the currently on-orbit amateur satellites.
There will be AMSAT volunteers there to explain how to make
the contacts and during actual satellite passes. AMSAT adds
that its volunteers will try to get as many students as
possible to complete actual contacts.
There will be lists of satellite pass times in the satellite
demonstration area and at the AMSAT booth inside the
exhibition area to help those wanting to talk via a
satellite to plan their schedule accordingly. (ANS)
Hamvention goers who are thinking of getting a D-STAR radio
or those who are newly involved in the technology might want
to take note of an affiliated event session.
A three hour class titled "A Morning of D-STAR Information
and Instruction for New D-STAR Users" will take place on
Friday, May 18th from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon Eastern Daylight
time with check-in starting at 8:30 a.m.. The venue is the
Drury Inn Ballroom located at 6616 Miller Lane, in Dayton.
There, several well known instructors will take you step by
step into the world of D-Star digital audio communications.
Some of the subjects to be covered include what D-STAR is,
what can it do and how is it used. You will also learn what
equipment is currently available, how radio memory
management works, how to link to other repeaters and
reflectors and much more. And those who attend will be
eligible at a chance to win an Icom ID-31A handheld D-STAR
The cost of the session is $25 and anyone planning to attend
must register on-line before April 25th. To do that, simply
take your web browser to tinyurl.com/dstar-dayton-register
and fill in the required fields. More information on the
session itself can be found at www.dstarinfo.com.
This is ham radio news for today's radio amateur. From the
United States of America, We are the Amateur Radio Newsline
with links to the world from our only official website at
www.arnewsline.org and being relayed by the volunteer
services of the following radio amateur:
(5 sec pause here)
While the Dayton Hamvention is the show on almost everyones
mind, its not the only big show happening in May. Another
is Emcommwest that's held each year in Reno, Nevada. Here's
Amateur Radio Newsline's Don Carlson, KQ6FM, with the
Emcommwest is returning to Reno, NV on May 4th through the
6th. This year marks the 10th anniversary of the ARRL
Specialty Convention, with focus on Emergency
Communications. But hurry, the advance registration
deadline will be at Midnight on Saturday April 28th.
This year our ARRL Keynote speaker will be League COO Harold
Kramer, WJ1B who will bring us the latest on Amateur Radio
in general, with our ARRL Forum, hosted by Pacific Division
Director Bob vallio, W6RGG.
We are especially proud to bring special guest and Sat.
night banquet speaker Chip Margelli, K7JA, who was with Heil
Sound for many years and is now Director of Sales &
Marketing for CQ Magazine. You may remember Chip from the
Code vs. Texting contest on the Jay Leno show a few years
back. Emcommwest is honored to have this Amateur Radio
legend join us for the 10th anniversary year.
The Sunday morning breakfast will welcome back Tom Taormina
K5RC operator of the legendary contest station.
New this year will be an "ARES Leadership Forum" on Sunday
morning, with a panel of SEC's discussing new ideas,
innovations, large scale exercises and a wide variety of
topics of interest to the Emergency Communications world in
Amateur Radio.
Also new this year will be NARRI's VOIP conference all day
Friday May 4th, Of course there will be the Friday night BBQ
hosted by the SATERN team, vendor hall, Saturday morning
swap meet and a host of topical forums and training sessions
again this year.
For The Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Don Carlson, KQ6FM in
For more information and registration, please head to the
website emcommwest.org, or email info (at) emcommwest (dot)
org. (Emcommwest)
The rocks in the sky are coming again. W0WOI reports via
the VHF Reflector that Earth is approaching the debris field
of ancient Comet Thatcher which is the source of the annual
Lyrid meteor shower.
Forecasters expect the shower to peak on April 21st and
22nd. A nearly new moon on those dates will provide perfect
dark-sky conditions for meteor watching.
According to meteor scatter enthusiasts, usually the shower
is mild with about 10 to 20 meteors per hour. But unmapped
filaments of dust in the comet's tail sometimes trigger
outbursts 10 times stronger.
You can follow the approaching event and get nmore
information on it on-line at spaceweather.com. (W0WOI via
VHF Reflector)
The South Africa AMSAT Space Symposium will be held at the
University of KwaZulu-Natal on Saturday May 12th. The theme
of the symposium is five decades of amateur satellites and
celebrating the launch of OSCAR 1 fifty years ago. The full
program and registration details are at tinyurl.com/sa-amsat-
symposium (SARL)
On the air, the Society of Newfoundland Radio Amateurs will
be celebrating the birthday of inventor Guglielmo Marconi.
This, by operating station VO1AA on Wednesday, April 25th
and welcoming some special guest at the same time.
The club plans on making an amateur eadio contact with
Princess Elettra Marconi who will be in Bologna, Italy to
celebrate her father's birthday. On this side of the
Atlantic it is planned to have the Canadian Heritage
Minister, the City of St. John's Mayor along with the
Newfoundland Lieutenant Governor, exchange greetings with
the Princess via amateur radio from VO1AA which will be
located at the Cabot Tower.
This is the first time that this event has been attempted.
As such, it is anticipated that it may attain a high level
media exposure for amateur radio in Canada and possibly in
Italy as well. Marconi received the first wireless signal
at Signal Hill, Newfoundland.
In DX, word that ON4CIT is reporting that a DXpedition to
Togo will take place at the end of 2012 or the beginning of
2013. The callsign mentioned is 5V7TH. The exact dates are
still to be determined. More as new information is made
OH1VR will be operational portable SV9 from Crete between
April 21st and the 28th. OH1VR along with OH1ZAA will then
be on the air portable VP9 from Bermuda between May 7th and
the 13th. Activity for both operations will be on the HF
bands and 6 meters, and using CW and SSB. QSL via their
respective home callsigns.
Members of the Polish Amateur Radio Club Flora Fauna are
active as HF-87-WARD through April 30th. This to celebrate
the World Amateur Radio Day and the 87th anniversary of the
founding of the International Amateur Radio Union. QSL
electronically via eQSL.cc and W-F-F LogSerach.
ZL1DD is now active as XU7AEL from the XU7AAA Rental Shack
in Cambodia. He should be at that location through at least
April 21st. Operation is on 80 through 6 meters using CW
and SSB. QSL via his home callsign.
VE2XB will be on the air as V-31-X-B from Caye Caulker
Island, Belize, between May 11th and the 31st. His
activity will be on all High Frequency bands, as well as 6
meters. Modes mentioned are CW and SSB using an Elecraft K3
into a Hexbeam. QSL via VE2XB as listed on QRZ.com.
Lastly, ON4CIT and ON4BEC will be active as TO3X from St
Barthelemy through April 30th. They will be using 40 through
6 meters on SSB and RTTY with some CW. QSL via ON4CIT,
direct, via the bureau, or electronically using Logbook of
the World
(Above from various DX news sources)
And finally this week, while it might the stuff of science
fiction dreams are made ofr, a Japanese construction company
has announced that it will have built a working space
elevator by 2050. Amateur Radio Newsline's Heather Butera-
Howell, KB3TZD, is here with this glimpse into the future:
Imagine putting a microsat under your arm, taking it on an
elevator ride to a geostationary on-orbit outpost and
eventually hsving it tossed into space. Such might be the
case in about 40 to 50 years if the plans of a Japan-based
construction company come to pass,
According to the The Daily Yomiuri newspaper, the company
known as Obayashi Corporation has announced it will build a
kind of space elevator by the year 2050. One that will be
capable of shuttling passengers and supplies 36,000
kilometers above the Earth.
The company plans to use carbon nanontubes, which are said
to be 20 times stronger than steel, to produce the cables
required for the elevator. Those cables will be stretched to
a counterweight 96,000 kilometers above our planet. Thats
about one-fourth of the distance between the Earth and the
An Obayashi official told the newspaper that the terminal
station to be located 36,000 kilometers above Earth, will be
reached by cars that can carry 30 people and travel at 200
kilometers per hour.
He adds that at this moment, the company cannot estimate the
cost for the project. However, they will try to make steady
progress so that it won't end just up as simply a dream.
For the Amateur Radio Newsline, Im Heather Butera-Howell.
KB3TZD, looking at the future from near Burwick,
The Obayashi spokesperson could not estimate the cost the
cost of the project but did admit that it will be high. And
whether this project can actually become a reality is up for
discussion for at least the time being. (Yomiuri News)
With thanks to AMSAT, the ARRL, the CGC Communicator, CQ
Magazine, the FCC, the Ohio Penn DX Bulletin, Radio
Netherlands, Rain, the RSGB, TWIT-TV, the Southgate News and
Australia's W-I-A News, that's all from the Amateur Radio
NewslineT. Our e-mail address is newsline (at) arnewsline
(dot) org. More information is available at Amateur Radio
Newsline'sT only official website located at
www.arnewsline.org. You can also write to us or support us
at Amateur Radio NewslineT, 28197 Robin Avenue, Santa
Clarita California, 91350
A reminder that the nominating period for the 2012 Amateur
Radio Newsline Young Ham of the Year Award is now open.
Full details and a downloadable nominating form are on our
website at arnewsline.org/yhoty.
For now, with Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF, at the editors desk,
I'm Don Wilbanks, AE5DW, saying 73 and we thank you for
Amateur Radio NewslineT is Copyright 2012. All rights
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