Amateur Radio Newsline report number 1815 with a release
date of May 25th, 2012 to follow in 5-4-3-2-1.
The following is a Q-S-T. The 2012 Dayton Hamvention is in
the history books, well take you there. Logbook Of The
World logs an important milestone and you're never too old
to learn a thing or two. These stories and more on Amateur
Radio NewslineT report number 1815 coming your way right
(Billboard Cart Here)
The city of Dayton, Ohio was invaded over the weekend of May
18, 19 and 20 by radio amateurs from all over the world for
the Dayton Hamvention. By all accounts it was a huge
success. The weather was, for the first time in many years,
absolutely perfect. Sunny days in the upper 80s and clear
nights in the 50s made for great strolls through the massive
flea market. No matter what obscure or rare item you're
looking for, odds are that someone in the flea market has it
for sale. The old saying of "if you can't find it at Dayton
it doesn't exist" is really true. Don Dubon, N6JRL is
president of the Dayton Amateur Radio Association, the
sponsoring club for the Hamvention. He says this was an
excellent year.
Audio report only. Please download the audio version of
this weeks newscast at www.arnewsline.org.
Of course, it takes more than just DARA to put on a show of
this size. It is truly a group effort.
Audio report only. Please download the audio version of
this weeks newscast at www.arnewsline.org.
Always at the sharp end of the pileup is Bob Heil, K9EID.
Audio report only. Please download the audio version of
this weeks newscast at www.arnewsline.org.
This year, Bob added television host to his resume. Ham
Nation is an Internet television show all about amateur
radio and the crowds were even thicker around Audio Alley.
Audio report only. Please download the audio version of
this weeks newscast at www.arnewsline.org.
Amateur Radio Newsline is honored to be a part of Ham
Nation. Bringing the magic of our great hobby and service
to a new and very receptive audience.
Amid the new product announcements was very exciting news
that Icom is now the official amateur radio supplier of the
Boy Scouts of America Jamboree On The air. Icom has
assembled a number of self contained "go kits" containing
everything needed to get on the air from JOTA and other
scouting events consisting of an Icom IC 7200 and everything
else needed to get on the air.
Kenwood debuted their latest and greatest, the TS-990. Phil
Parton, N4DRO goes over some of the features.
Audio report only. Please download the audio version of
this weeks newscast at www.arnewsline.org.
Expect the new TS-990 to begin shipping in the last quarter
of this year. The retail list price hasn't been released
yet, but Phil says between $5000 and $10,000 is a good
ballpark. From the looks of it, it's worth every penny.
Another new rig debuted at Hamvention was the long awaited
Heiberling PT-8000. As we hear from DH7JH, it is indeed
finally a reality.
Audio report only. Please download the audio version of
this weeks newscast at www.arnewsline.org.
So how much is the Heiberling PT-8000 you ask?
Audio report only. Please download the audio version of
this weeks newscast at www.arnewsline.org.
Yes. He said $17,000. Not Euros, US Dollars. Time to
start saving that spare change.
Over the years Amateur Radio Newsline has relied on one
seasoned, some say grizzled, Dayton veteran to distill the
Dayton experience down to it's true essence. That fabled
old ham is none other than Chip Margelli, K7JA from CQ
Audio report only. Please download the audio version of
this weeks newscast at www.arnewsline.org.
That , of course, just scratches the surface of Hamvention
2012. We'll have more from Dayton in next week's Amateur
Radio Newsline report.
From the United States of America, We are the Amateur Radio
Newsline, heard on bulletin stations around the world
including the WD6HFR repeater serving the region around
Palomar, California.
(5 sec pause here)
Is it an end to the story that never seems to end? Possibly
as word that LightSquared Inc. has filed for Federal
bankruptcy protection. This as it says that it will
continue to try and resolve the concerns of U.S. regulators
who frustrated the company's plan to deliver high-speed
wireless to as many as 260 million people.
LightSquared, based in Reston, Virginia, listed assets of
$4.48 billion and debt of $2.29 billion as of February 29th
in a Chapter 11 filing May 14th in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in
Manhattan, New York. The filing followed intense
negotiations with creditors, who had requested that the
company's backer, Philip Falcone, step aside. Falcone and
the current management team will remain with the company
according to company spokesperson , Terry Neal.
But this might not be the last time we hear from
LightSquared. In a statement, Falcone noted that the
bankruptcy filing was not option the company embraced
quickly or easily. Rather that it was necessary to protect
LightSquared against creditors who were looking for a quick
Falcone added that LightSquared remains committed to our
original mission, and that he is steadfast in his belief
that a path forward exists that will satisfy and benefit all
LightSquared's plans for a high speed high speed broadband
network hit a roadblock in February. That's when the FCC
said it would withdraw preliminary approval for the
company's network after government tests found that the
signals would interfere with global-positioning systems.
That decision followed a yearlong fight between LightSquared
versus GPS users and providers.
The bottom line: If Lightsquared is successful in
reorganizing under the Federal Bankruptcy Law, the never
ending story could be with us for some time to come.
(Published news reports)
"DX'ing from the Black Hole is the title of a multi-session
course to be presented this fall in conjunction with the
60th W9DXCC DX Convention to be held in Schaumburg,
The W9DXCC convention committee has announced it will offer
a 4 session class on Friday, September 14th to introduce ham
operators to the excitement and fun of DXing.
The class has been designed for new and inexperienced
DX'ers. Each session will cover a different aspect of
DX'ing including operating practices, station design,
chasing awards, QSL'ing and propagation from the area known
as the Black Hole.
All presenters are accomplished DXers from the Northern
DX Association. Between them they represent over 100 years
of experience that includes participation in DXpedition
operations to rare locations around the world and numerous
awards. Please contact W9MU by e-mail to jhudson (at)
wishcom (dot) net for further details and
information." (W9DXCC)
The London GB7OK D-STAR repeater server has been updated
with Jonathan Naylor, G4KLX's software and can now access
all D-STAR reflectors. Also, four new D-Star nodes in
London area have come on air just in time for 2012 Olympics.
The four nodes are MB6IHF in West London, MB6INL in North
London, MB6IOK in South East London and MB6SS located in
South West London. All four nodes will give D-STAR access
to all Dplus, XRF and DCS reflectors. (G1HIG)
CQ Communications has announced the launch of the CQ
Industry Insider, an e-mail newsletter for the hobby radio
industry. The newsletter will report on news and trends in
the amateur radio, scanning and listening marketplace, as
well as company news and announcements, marketing tips and
an idea exchange for spotlighting concepts for new products
and services.
According to Publisher Dick Ross, K2MGA, the goal in
publishing the Industry Insider is to help businesses in the
amateur radio industry thrive and grow by sharing industry
news and trends, marketing tips and product ideas.
The Editor of the CQ Industry Insider is Jason Feldman, who
currently works with both Popular Communications and
WorldRadio Online, and is Director of Pop'Comm's monitoring
registration program. He came to CQ with considerable
experience in producing e-mail trade newsletters.
Feldman will be backed up by Ad Manager Chip Margelli, K7JA;
Editorial Director Rich Moseson, W2VU; Production Director
Dottie Kehrwieder, and the rest of the CQ Communications
The CQ Industry Insider is being distributed initially to
companies and individuals already on the CQ advertising
department e-mail list. Industry members not on the list who
would like to be added should contact Chip Margelli by e-
mail to ads@cq-amateur-radio.com. (CQ)
A Serbian ham is the holder of what can best be described as
an electronic honor. On May 1st Dragan Pavlovic, YT3PDT,
completed his registration process for Logbook of The World.
As such he becamethe 50,000th person to take advantage of
the ARRL's online QSL confirmation system.
According to ARRL Membership and Volunteer Programs Manager
Dave Patton, NN1N there are more than 3500 individuals from
outside the US in the process of obtaining a digital
certificate. There are also numerous hams here in the US
who have started the certificate process, but not yet
finished. (ARRL, WIA)
The World Radio and Television Editorial team has announced
that the Summer 'A' season broadcasting schedules file is
now available to download, free of charge, from the WRTH
website. The 86 page file is approximately 4500 kB in size
and contains the kind of information that SWL's need to keep
on top of the summer DX season. To get a copy take your web
browser to www.wrth.com and follow the link "Latest PDF
Updates." (WRTH)
IARU Region 1 Youth Coordinator Lisa Leenders, PA2LS,
reports that youth oriented amateur radio activities in
Egypt are on the increase.
In a recent report, Leenders noted that the Egyptian Radio
Amateurs Society or ERASD, has announced plans to promote
and improve amateur radio services and youth activities in
Egypt. This through the participation in more international
and regional activities.
An ERASD prepared plan for three years is divided into four
key points. These are Radio Activities, Education,
Society's Station, Media. During the radio Activity the
Egyptian Radio Amateurs Society will be providing
educational programs and materials to promote amateur radio
and develop the scientific and technical skills of youth in
the hobby. (IARU Region 1, Southgate)
Northern Irelands Ballymena Times reports that the Ballymena
Amateur Radio Club has recognized by Ballymena Borough
Council for their 65 years of service to the community.
Recently, members of the club were invited to the Ballymena
Mayor's office to be presented with a plaque for their
achievement. Chairman Aubrey Kincaid gave a short speech to
Mayor Hubert Nicholl explaining the club's history.
According to Aubrey, the club was officially started back in
1947 by local radio enthusiasts and ex-servicemen. However
it's thought a club was in operation and on the air as far
back as 1929. (IRTS)
GoErie.com reports on the work of students from Penn State
Behrend who developed a super capacitor based energy storage
device designed to replace the silver-zinc battery on
ARISSat type satellites.
According to the report, when David Jesberger, Kathleen
Nicholas and Jacob Sherk graduated on May 4th from Penn
State Behrend, they left behind a finished senior project
that could soon be headed into space. This is because
senior engineering students at Behrend pitch ideas each year
for projects they would like to tackle in their final year.
Nicholas, Jesberger and Sherk all bid for a chance to be
part of a project for the Radio Amateur Satellite
Corporation. The result of their work was a collection of
fifteen super-capacitors linked together by a circuit board
that also contained their names and the famed college mascot
Nittany Lion paw print. You can read more about this
student team effort on-line at tinyurl.com/supercap-battery.
(Erie Times News, Southgate)
The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers'
Broadcast Technology Society has announced an extension of
the deadline for receiving abstracts of prospective papers
to be presented at the organization's annual fall 2012 IEEE
Broadcast Symposium. A final date of May 31st has been set
for delivery of abstracts by prospective presenters.
Submissions are welcomed from broadcasters, researchers,
developers, technology suppliers and service providers
within the field of broadcasting. Submissions must indicate
that abstract is for the 2012 IEEE Broadcast Symposium, and
contain complete contact information, including the author's
full name, affiliation, mailing address and telephone
number. Abstracts should be limited to 1,000 words and
should be sent via email to bts@ieee.org.
Proposals for panel discussions involving technology,
applications, business models and policy-related issues and
opportunities within the broadcasting industry are also
being solicited. In addition, proposals for half-day
tutorial sessions on broadcast technology topics are
This year's symposium event will be held in Alexandria,
Virginia from October 17th to the 19th. (RW)
The Nutley Amateur Radio Society, of Nutley New Jersey, will
be activating the radio room of the World War II Submarine
the USS Ling. This as a part of the world-wide Museum Ships
Weekend on June 2nd and 3rd.
The Ling is a Balao class fleet submarine, measuring 312
feet and is a permanent museum ship, berthed on the
Hackensack River at Hackensack, New Jersey. As we go to air
it is expected that amateur radio stations on over 75 museum
ships will be on the air for this event. (K2DC)
This is ham radio news for today's radio amateur. From the
United States of America, We are the Amateur Radio Newsline
with links to the world from our only official website at
www.arnewsline.org and being relayed by the volunteer
services of the following radio amateur:
(5 sec pause here)
For each of the 36 years that the New York City Marathon has
been run, Steve Mendelsohn, W2ML, could be found in the lead
vehicle with the race director traveling along with the lead
male runner and relaying messages via ham radio. But this
coming November, Steve will not be there. This is because
our longtime friend lost his valiant battle against
Pancreatic Cancer the morning of May 23rd. Steve was only
67 when he died at his home in Dumont, New Jersey. And as
our producer Bill Pasternak tells us, this for him is not an
easy goodbye:
Its not easy to say goodbye to a friend, and in the case of
someone whom you have known for a good part of your life.
So while others will give you statistics and facts about
what Steve Mendelsohn, W2ML, did in his rather amazing life,
I want to share a few personal thoughts.
I fist met Steve when he was working for one of the supply
houses near what we New Yorkers called Radio Roe. Steve was
a salesman and I had just saved enough to purchase the
transmitter of my dreams. A Hallicrafters HT-40. Not the
completed unit but rather the kit.
The truth be known, Steve tried to talk me out of the
purchase saying there were better units for about the same
price. But none of those covered 6 meters in addition to HF
and so he made the sale. And as a result of that quick
conversation we became friends for life. Only neither of us
knew it at the time.
Fast forward the timeline to the late 1960's. In those days
the ham radio meeting ground in New York City was the WA2SUR
repeater on 2 meters operated by the late George LeDoux,
K1TKJ. And it was there one afternoon that I heard some
folks in QSO. One of the people had a familiar voice. His
call was WA2DHF and his name was Steve. So I joined the QSO
and quickly learned that this was the same Steve who had
sold me the HT-40 kit almost a decade earlier. And I guess
this is where it really all began.
There are a couple of personal stories involving Steve that
I want to relate because they tell far more about Steve than
anything purely ham radio, albeit both do have a ham radio
The first revolves around the WA2ZWP repeater that a group
of us Brooklynites put up in the late 1960's. We knew from
the outset that we would be using a voice I-D but none of us
knew how to properly interface an automotive 8 track player
to an RCA Carfone transmitter. But Steve Mendelsohn did and
he spent several evenings with this reporter explaining how
to make the transistors in the tape player talk to the tubes
in the repeater transmitter with no distortion and not so
loud as to cover up those who were involved in a QSO. Steve
knew audio technology and gladly shared it with myself and
But the most important Steve Mendelsohn story is the one
that completely changed my life. It was in the winter of
1970. I was dating a gal named Sharon Wagner and every
Sunday morning found me winding my way from Brooklyn out to
Valley Stream to pick up the lady to go - well - go
somewhere or do something. Be it just lunch and a movie or
whatever, I would pick her up and we would be off to that
proverbial somewhere. And it also became a ritual for
everyone on WA2SUR to say hello to Sharon and for her to say
hi in return. This with me in control of the transceiver.
A Regency HR-2 as I recall.
Well this one Sunday after we had all said our hello's via
WA2SUR, Steve says something like: ".you two have been going
out for months. When are you going to ask the girl to marry
At first I hemmed and hawed a bit looking for an excuse, but
there was none to be had. Steve had put me into a corner
where it was either catch the fish or cut bait and run. I
knew that I was in love with the lady, so with all of New
York hamdom listening in on 146.73 MHz, I asked Sharon to
change her last name from Wagner to Pasternak. She
immediately accepted and that September Sharon and I said "I
If not for Steve, I do not know if I would have asked Sharon
or any gal to become my wife. But thanks to him, I was
forced to make a decision that was definitely the right one.
40 years so far and headed toward 41.
Over the decades Steve remained a true friend. Even after I
moved West, we were never very long out of contact. When e-
mail came along, it was even easier.
I still remember sitting on the phone and having him tell me
about the fate-full meeting that got him involved in
coordinating ham radio communications for the New York City
Marathon. A position he loved and kept up for some 37
And especially that one evening at the Dayton Hamvention way
back in the 1980's where Steve engineered and edited one of
our Westlink Report newscasts that was anchored by the late
broadcast legend Jean Shepherd, K2ORS. A newscast recorded
on a modified Sony portable reel to reel recorder that Steve
had found out in his garage and made to work once again just
for this occasion.
Theres so much more that I could relate if only we had the
time because to me, Steve Mendelsohn, W2ML, was more than
just another voice on the air. For the better part of five
decades he was an important part of my life. He was my
friend, and I will miss him.
Im Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF, and I dedicate this weeks
newscast to my friend, the late Steve Mendelsohn, W2ML.
73 old buddy. I know we will meet once again in the future
on the other side of the great eatherial abyss.
According to Bill, its impossible to tell the story of Steve
Mendelsohn's amazing life and career in a short news item
like this. However several print publications have. This
includes a lengthy and well written tribute by the ARRL that
can be found at tinyurl.com/w2ml-sk and a New York Times
item on Steve's career as a communications coordinator at
Steve Mendelsohn, W2ML is survived by his wife Heidi, W2MLW.
As we go to air, memorial survives for Steve have not yet
been announced. (ARNewslineT)
In DX, word that F5IRO has received his Ugandan callsign
5X5RO. He will be operating CW and PSK during his spare
time until June 8th. QSL via F8DFP.
OK7MT, OK5MM, and OK2PP have announced to be oprerational
stroke P4 through May 31. They will sign P40H in the
upcoming W-P-X CW Contest on May 26th and 27th. QSL via
Lastly, RK4FF should be on the air from Senegal as 6V7S
through May 28th. Listen out for him on CW, SSB and RTTY
on 80 through 10 meters. QSL via RK4FF.
(Above from various DX News Sources)
And finally this week, a story on higher education that
involved a ham radio operator.
Bert Gladwin G3FVO, a former MI 6 electronics engineer, has
become the United Kingdom's oldest new graduate at the age
of 90. This after graduating with a Masters degree from the
University of Buckingham.
In his youth Gladwin left school at 14 and worked as a
delivery boy. During World War II he served with the Royal
Air Force and developed an interest in radio communications.
After the war he worked for the Marconi company and obtained
his amateur radio license.
Gladwin then worked for the Foreign Office setting up
communications systems for British embassies around the
world. He embarked on his degree in Intelligence History
and Bletchley Park Studies at the age of 89 together with
his wife, who was then 77.
G3FVO is not new to being a senior in taking advanced higher
education courses. At the age of 60, he decided to
undertake obtaining a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology. By
the time he was 70 he had also completed a Bachelor of
Science in Molecular Biology.
Bert Gladwin's advice to anyone considering a degree is to
go for it at any age. He says that it's never too late to
More is on-line at tinyurl.com/grad-at-90 (University of
With thanks to Alan Labs, AMSAT, the ARRL, the CGC
Communicator, CQ Magazine, the FCC, the Ohio Penn DX
Bulletin, Radio Netherlands, Rain, the RSGB, the Southgate
News and Australia's WIA News, that's all from the Amateur
Radio NewslineT. Our e-mail address is newsline(at)
arnewsline (dot) org. More information is available at
Amateur Radio Newsline'sT only official website located at
www.arnewsline.org. You can also write to us or support us
at Amateur Radio NewslineT, 28197 Robin Avenue, Santa
Clarita California, 91350
A reminder that the nominating period for the 2012 Amateur
Radio Newsline Young Ham of the Year Award is now open.
Full details and a downloadable nominating form are on our
website at arnewsline.org/yhoty.
For now, with Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF, at the editors desk,
I'm Don Wilbanks, AE5DW, in Southern Mississippi, saying 73
and we thank you for listening.
Amateur Radio NewslineT is Copyright 2012. All rights